Disney songs

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Your wrists were healing very well, it's been 2 weeks, Casey has never left your side, unless he needed to go pee or vise versa. April despite her not liking you, kept an eye on you too, for Casey and Donnie. you've been kinda down, and scarred since you met Kari, she knew about the accident and mad you feel guilty, so to everyone else you didn't seem like your normal self.

"Hello orchid" you snap out of your black trance and turn to a smiling Donatello "h-hi Donnie...what brings you by..?" Donnie gives you a confused look and looks to his brothers who were happily eating pizza Gyōza "umm, {Y/N} we've been here for a few minutes" your eyes widen "oh my gosh! I didn't notice, I'm so sorry Donnie" Donnie smiled lightly "it's ok" Donnie sat next to you and took out a shelled covered phone "cool, can I touch it..?" You ask, Donnie chuckled "it's a T-phone, my own invention" you look at Donnie with eyes filled with wonder and curiosity "really?! That's so cool!" Donnie turns on his phone and type in his password, and you begin to look threw his phone, not that Donnie mind he didn't have any secrets, you went to his photos first, it had many pictures of him and his family or sometimes pictures of inventions, as you continued to scroll you started to see pictures of April, many pictures of April, this made your heart clench and sink but then they turned to pictures of his family again, then pictures of you, it makes you blush and how many pictures Donnie had of you.
Then you go to his music, which surprisingly was filled with Disney songs, you smile evilly to yourself and played the first song you saw ' be prepared ' from the lion king

SCAR: I never thought hyenas essential, they're crude and unspeakable pain, but maybe they've a glimmer of potential if allied to my vision and brain
I know that your powers of retention, are as wet as a warthog's backside, but thick as you are, pay attention! My words are a matter of pride

Donnie jumped at his sudden music playing and tries to take his phone away from you, but you slip under the table and scurry around your fathers restaurant "{Y/N} give me my phone...!" Donnie wines, you laugh "come on, you have Disney mucus on your phone! That's awesome!" You began to sing along and dance to the song

YOU: just listen to teacher, I know it sounds sordid, but you'll be rewarded, when at last I am given my dues! And injustice deliciously squared, Be Prepared!

You smirk and run to your room "hey! {Y/N}!" Donnie runs after you, but you close and lock your door, smiling as you make yourself towards your close

You came out of your room with a scar shirt and leopard jeans, a wide smile on your face, your hair was a little frizzy because your hair was your main, so you ran out of your room into the restaurant with Donnie's phone playing ' can't wait to be king '
As soon as you walked into the shop, you put up the volume of Donnie's phone and began to sing and dance to the music, Mikey laughed and joined you in your weird dance, Leo laughed and watched with a smile, raph recorded and laughed at you and Mikey, Donnie, being the cute nerd he is, danced along with you and Mikey.

Sorry it's short but I had got my phone taken away
oh and heads up guys, I might not publish any chapters this summer.
My grades were really bad and I'm probably not going to have my phone or tablet, so I can't write. I am really sorry, but I'll make it up to you when I get my phone back, I promise

Thank you, I love you guys. 


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