Her handsome knight

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That was all that was heard as they watched you become engulfed in water.

Donnie rushed to the water, calling out your, tears prickling his eyes. Mikey then broke down crying, leo looked sadly at donnie, trying hard to find you in the black abyss of water, leo turned to mikey and hugged him, not caring about the hot tears that hit his shoulder, soon the splashing of water stopped and donnie came from the ocean with his head hung low and hands trembling "L-Leo...." leo looked up to his heart broken brother "w-we have t-to..." donnie took a shaking breath before contiuing "we have to find her" leo let go of mikey, who was now snifling quietly "we are donnie, i promise, but right now we need to inform Mr. Murakami" everyone nodded in agreement and headed towards the noodle shop.

The next morning

You woke up with a pounding headache, your eyes blurry as you opened them, your stomache felt like it was being stretched and so did your arms, you look down and gasp, immediatly waking up as you see that you were a whole load of feet off the ground, you move your arms, clicks and rings were heard you look up to see your wrists chained       oh great, and just after they started to heal again     you thought to yourself.
You look around the room- or should you say, wearhouse, you were chained to the ceiling, danglish from chains. You struggle for what felt like hours then you feel a rush of cold pass threw your body, you shiver looking around the room for any anser to why your body was reacting to this. Then you saw it, a figure walking in the shadows of the wearhouse "h-hey!" You call out and the figure stops "what am i doing here!?" The figure turns but you coulnt tell if it was facing directly at you or if its back was faceing you, then it spoke

"Now i have you..........
Darkness can rain once more........
Pain and hurt are only a small fragmenst.........
But agony, fear and lonlyness is our full power............
Give us our power........
Give us........
Your sorrow.!"

Shadows wrap around your neck and tighten, making you gasp for air, pain shoots threw your body, your eyes close at the intense pain and darkness you felt in the room, if this thing could take your life, and use pain as fuel then you had to warn the others, you took a gulp of air and oxygen makes its way to yourlungs, pumping blood to your left arm, you reach for you back pocket and to your disapointment, your phone was not there

"Looking for your phone....?
I promise you......
That this will only be between you and me......

Your eyes widen as the slithering snake like voice that said your name, you pull at your bonds, knowing that you might not be able to break them, you still tried, and this time you were more desperate to escape than you were when Kari had got you.
You took another gulp of air as the shadow tightened it hold on your neck, you feel your vision blur and a memory passes in your head, mikey was telling you about his comic, the first time you officaly met him, another memory, raph was calling you short, it was when you two actualy began getting along, then another memory, casey was patching you up after your small ice rink accident and they way you two were laughing together, having fun! You pull at the chains that held you as another memory passed, it was the first time meeting april, although you didnt like her as much you still consisdered her a friend, again a memory comes into your head, it was leo, he was smiling, you noticed that about him, leo would aways smile, somtimes not even directed at you, but it was to his brothers, leo always had this proud or loving smile on his face everytime he saw that they were happy, weither it was around you or not. You pull harder at the chains hearing the creak as the old wood was being pulled at, another memory filled your mind and this time it was your beloved donnie, every moment you shared with him, the day he asked you out, every little small or big thing that happened between you two, you screamed as the memory faded, you gave another pull at the chains and one of them broke, leaving you drangling from the other, by this time the shadow le go of your neck, you didnt if it was out of surprise or even simpathy, but you didnt care, then the other chain seemed to give out, the world spun, you landed on something soft and you were eased onto the ground,you tried looking up but that exhauted you to no end, and you ended up passing out of exhaustion and dehydration.

With the others

"Mr. Murakami, isnt that illegal?!" Leo asked as him, his brothers, april and casey followed him into the back rooms "if it was, the hospital wouldnt have given me that option, besides it could be the only way to find (Y/N)" Mr. Murakami went into his room and everyone waited outside the door for him, Mr. Murakami came out not even a minute later, with a small blinking box "here, take it, it should tell you (Y/N)'s exact location, and please bring her home safe" Donnie took the smal box and looked at Mr. Murakami "we will, i promise" everyone looked at each other and made their way out of the shop, following the small box as guidence to wear you were located, after all your father did put in a tracking device in you before you were able to leave the hospital, after your waking.

"She shoul be in that wearhouse!" Donnie said pointing to the nearest wearhouse on the docks "h-hey isnt that the same building kari took (Y/N) to?' Mikey said there eyes widen as they make their way towards the wearhouse. When the made it to the wearhouse and looked threw the windows everyone gasped at your glowing white eyes and some sort of black sand going into your mouth, everyone covered their ears as you screamed and pulled ruffly at your chains making one of them brake leaving you dangling in the middle of the wearhouse, donnie took immediate action and cut you down from the chain, catching you swftly and setting you down gently across the room, away from the black sand/shadowy thing.

Everyone stormed in ready to battle whatever enemy had taken you, but to their surprise when the figure can out into the light, it was niether bor nor girl, it was just a shadowly sand figure, looking more like a crappy 5 years old stick figure drawing, it moaned and lugged at them, but they easily took it down with one hit. How could something so weak possibly chain and hurt you, without hurting itself?

No one knew, and currently no one cared they just cared about getting you home and safe. But when everyone tunred around to take you back home.

You were gone.


Yaaaay! I did this under half an hour yay!
So i kinda got hooked on this new enemy arising so i coudldnt help but write another chapter!
Oh and if i spelled anything wrong, just letting you know i am using my tablet and not my phone cause currently my phone is charging.........but anyway i hoped you liked this chapter and i guess ill see if i can update tomorrow by lovies!


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