We're going to be OK

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"Joe, Joe, JOOOE" a girl screamed. I opened my eyes and saw Chloe. "Chloe" I said. "JOE" she screamed taking me into her arms. "Chloe, I'm fine" I said. "No you've been beaten" she said. "So have you" I said. "Let's get sorted out" I said. She helped me get down the stairs because I was feeling dizzy. "Right i'll get the first aid kit and you just stay there" she said. I just laid down on the bed.

Chloe POV

I walked into my bedroom to get my ring which was magic. I knew that there would be water involved so this ring stops me from growing my tail. I slipped it on and grabbed the first aid kit out of my bathroom. "Joe I'm back" I said. He was laid down holding a cut on his hip. "Right what hurts the most?" I asked. "This" he said, revealing a cut that had blood spilling out of it. "Right" I said. I sat down next to him and got a sanitary wipe out of the box and pressed it against his wound. "Sorry, does it sting?" I asked, as he flinched a little. "Yeah just a bit" he said. I sorted him out with plasters and then I went into the bathroom to sort myself out. I was struggling with my cuts and plasters and bandages. "Need some help?" Joe asked, taking the things off me. "Thanks by the way. I am really sorry about Caspar he is the biggest dickwad ever" I said. "Well we all make mistakes" Joe said, wiping the blood away from my cheek. "But Joe, this wasn't a mistake, this was me being a stupid little s**t and not thinking about the concequences of you sleeping in my bed" I said looking down in shame. "Hey look it's ok if Caspar does come after me again i'll sort him out" he said, lifting up my chin. "Thanks Joe" I said. "It's fine" he said hugging me. I looked at him when I pulled away and it happened. I kissed him.


We kissed. Our lips touched moving in sync as we moved our heads. As the kiss deepened, she drew away. "Wow" I said. She ran upstairs and out of sight. What did I do? I f****d it up didn't I. She probably hates me now. This always happens. I find a girl who I fall in love with and I kiss her and then she runs away because I'm a freak and everyone hates me. I collapsed onto my bed and cried for ages.

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