Hey guys, it's been awhile...
No need to worry any longer, if you did at all
But Poptart didn't mention that I was recovering, I'm better now and I just incase you didn't catch on, I didn't lose my foot
Idk what the hell she was on when she wrote that I lost ma foot.
Well my foot is here and alive... or is it?
Well it wiggles, so I'm sure it's okay
Anyways, hopefully we'll be able to udate more often but I can promise anything
Summer is coming up and the fucking teachers are drowning us with projects.
We lazy, well I can't speak for Poptartluver, but I am lazy and tired, I have 3 projects to do this weekend.
I'm bored, but I gots to go
I have to work on my school shit, BYE
Our no life
AcakThis is the story of how two crazy kids became friends out of nowhere. WARNING! THERE WILL BE A MAXIMUM OF CRAZIES IN THIS STORY! enjoy :)