new beginnings

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So not realizing that I had not told my mom what the news was, I excitedly hurried back to the nursery...

Within 2min the nurse comes in laughing, and tells me " You forgot to tell your mom what the news was, don't worry I told her, and she said she will be here tomorrow." I also started laughing when I realized how freaked she must have been...

Well to get everything prepared it took me all night, was so excited I couldn't sleep... I had to take a Infant CPR class, get shown how to use this machine and that medication, how to adjust her O2, and get a shot... Yep getting everything in order to...

Bring my beautiful daughter home with me... I have been waiting for that news since I had her.

On top of everything they had me do, I also had to remember to take time for myself, which as a parent is hard to do sometimes... I felt so exhausted, and refreshed I decided to lay down and try to sleep so I would be ready for the long trip HOME....

I wake up to my mom's voice... "Are you ready to get her ready to go home?" They look on my mom's face was of pure pride and happiness...

I took a good 2 hrs to do the final prepping... We had to put her in the car seat and monitor her O2 SATs, make sure all the equipment was working on battery, make sure her O2 tank was enough for the trip home, get all the paperwork signed and get her fastened into the car (with all the said monitors and equipment). And started to head home...

If anyone has driven in Seattle during rush hour knows how bad freeway backups can be... An hour goes by sitting in traffic and I start to panic... We only have 2 hrs of oxygen in the tank we have... And we have been sitting in traffic for an hour... It's a good two hour drive from Seattle to Port Angeles... And we haven't even left Seattle yet...

Just then I saw an ambulance on the side of the road, without even thinking twice... I jump out of the car and run towards them... My moms looking at me like I'm crazy... I get to the ambulance and pound on the door... Must have had panic and fear all over my face they instantly ask me "what's wrong"

I tell them, "My daughter is in the car, the hospital gave me a O2 tank to travel with, but it only has 2hrs worth of oxygen. That we have been sitting here for an hour and still have an hour's drive once we get out of traffic..." They say "okay let's have a look"

We get to the car they check the gauges and monitors, one of them looked at another one nodded and he left... Came back shortly with 2 small O2 tanks, made sure we knew how to change them out... Then smiled at us and said, " follow us..."

They gave us a emergency escort out of the traffic jam so we could be on our way... After another 2 hours on the road, (go figure even more traffic) we finally make it home. And my daughter gets to sleep in her own bed and not an incubator... As I laid her down and she got all snuggled in she seemed to smile as she slept knowing she was HOME...

The next day seemed so strange... waking up at home with my daughter in her bed next to mine... Trying to get some kind of non hospital routine going... I think my daughter adjusted faster then me...

Things were about to change...

Being a mom was about to get so much more stressful and scary...

And to everyone's shock and surprise...

A lot more eventful...

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