friends til the end

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They walked right up to me... They each give me a big hug... The only words spoken where "We wanna hear all about you having a kid, but for now let's go get breakfast." I knew at that moment these girls were gonna be friends til the end.

The next few months at school were touch and go, I had to figure out if people were generally friendly or wanted something from me.
Having a child so young is hard, the boys at school were assholes, they mostly thought I was easy (easy to have sex with) they figured out real quick that I was not into that. (got into trouble a few times for punching a few here and there) They wouldn't take NO for an answer.
The few guys that were my true friends helped out with the boys that messed with me.
The girls mostly either thought I was a slut (the girls that thought I was a slut were mean and total bitches and tried to fight me) or they wanted to know how it was to have a child so soon.

Teachers also had mixed reactions to me having a child, but soon figured out that I did not use having a child as an excuse for any of my home or school work needs. I was also used as an example for the kids who didn't like doing their work.

Teachers would use phrases like, (You have no excuse for not doing your work, she has a kid and still gets her assignments done.) (why can't you be more like her, she has a child and still completes her work in a timely manner.)

I hated being used as an example, but at the same time felt proud, proud that I was succeeding where I thought I would fail, proud that I was progressing and not falling behind. Proud that I could make something of myself and show my daughter that no matter what happens if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything.

I'm so glad for these experiences, They have taught me so many things. How to read people and to trust your instincts. That true friends are hard to find, and sometimes the friendships you make will last a lifetime. And also that family is not always blood, and blood is not always family.

I sure hope you enjoyed my story. I enjoyed writing it. Any and all feedback is welcomed. If you want more short stories, then let me know and I'll try out some more idea's.

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