Ch.3 Gigi

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Brenden and Christina continued to stare at the mysterious girl who then opened her eyes and looked back at them with a smile.

"Greetings finder" she smiled.

"Uh, what now?" Brenden said confused.

"You have found me, how may I serve you?"

"Hold on" Christina said "Are you, a genie?"

"Correct" the genie smiled "My name is Gigi, and I am here to serve the finder."

Brenden and Christina's eyes widen as they looked at each other.

"Which one of you rubbed my lamp?" Gigi asked as she picked up the golden bottle she came out from.

Christina pointed to Brenden.

"Well" Gigi said as she turned to Brenden "What's your name."

"Brenden" he said.

"Well Brenden" she smiled "Since you have released me from my bottle, I will grant you 3 wishes."

"Whoa" he said surprised.

"So what will your first wish be?" Gigi asked.

"Oh uh" he said as he started to think "I- I don't really know."

"It's okay, you may take your time."

At that point a gush of wind flew by as Gigi gave a shiver as she rubbed her arms.

"Wow it's cold" she said "So where exactly am I?"

"You're in Storybrooke" Christina said.

"Storybrooke? Am I like in a different world or something?"

"Well you're in America."

"Oh, well are we close to Monster High by any chance?"

"What?" they both said confused.

"I suppose you don't know where that is" Gigi sighed.

"Um, Gigi" Brenden said "Just so you know, we're not in a magical world?"

"What?" she said.

"We're in what you would call, the real world."

"The real world?" Gigi shivered.

"Um, why don't we get you inside where it's warm" Christina suggested "It is winter."

"Thank you" Gigi shivered as she was taken to town.

Now in town, Gigi looked around at the world she's never seen. The real world, instead of the monster world. The trio then went inside the 'Wonder diner' where everyone turned their heads to Gigi.

"Oh" Lauren said surprised as she turned to Brenden "Who is this?"

"We'll explain later" Brenden said "Can you just give her some hot cocoa and a blanket or something."

"Okay" she said as she went away.

"Here have a seat" Brenden told Gigi as she sat down.

"So who is this?" Ilene asked.

"This is Gigi" Christina said "She's a genie."

"A genie?" everyone said.

"We found her bottle in the woods" Brenden said "And then I rubbed it and released her."

"Really?" Amanda said surprised as she turned to Gigi.

"It's true" Gigi shivered with a smile "Since he's released me, he is allowed 3 wishes for him to use as he chooses."

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