Ch.48 Hope

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With her son now gone, Alice burst into tears as she felt her heart break.

"No" she sobbed "Alistair no."

She continued to cry as her tears fell on Alistair's cheek. Just then everyone came in.

"Alice what's wrong?" Darling asked with a worried look.

Alice turned to them with tears pouring down her cheeks.

"Alistair?" Lizzie gasped as they all ran to Alice and saw Alistair's body in her arms with a bloody stab wound in his stomach as they all gasped.

"What happened?" Maddie asked with shock.

"Jafar" Alice said as she continued to cry.

"Is he?" Bunny asked as her eyes began to water.

Alice gave a sad nod as everyone gasped again.

"No" Kitty gasped as she felt tears pour out "No no no."

Soon all of the girls started to cry as their hearts break. Everyone felt hopeless, with their hero gone, they didn't know what to do. But just then, a group of butterflies flew into from the balcony and transformed into Cari.

"I sensed a death" she said "What happened?"

"Jafar" Alice sniffed "It's too late, Alistair's gone."

"But I know a way to bring him back."

At that point everyone's eyes widen.

"What is it?" Lizzie asked.

"Wonderland water from the Well of Wonder has the ability to heal" Cari said "All we have to do is pour some in Alistair's mouth and he'll come back."

"But there hasn't been any water in the well since the Evil Queen's curse" Darling said.

"I know, but before the cursed happened, I scooped some of the water into a bottle and buried it near the well, and now seems like a good time to use it."

"Wait a minute" Chase said "Gigi and Whisp are going to the Well of Wonder."

"And Jafar knows where they're going" Alice said with a gasp.

"Oh my God we gotta warn them" Maddie gasped.

"I'll do it" Cari said "Well's the well?"

"It's somewhere in the woods near my mother's castle" Lizzie said.

"Alright, I'll try to hurry, in the meantime, watch over Alistair."

And with that Cari transformed into butterflies and flew off.


As Whisp and Gigi went through the woods to find the Well of Wonder, Gigi was reading about the Holy Grail in the Genieology book.

"Hey I see it!" Whisp pointed ahead to the Well of Wonders.

The genies went to it and saw that it was no longer filled with Wonderland water.

"Okay so how am I suppose to create the flames?" Whisp asked.

"Um" Gigi said as she read the section, until something caught her eye "Whisp look at this!"

Gigi showed her a section in the book about the grail as Whisp's eyes widen.

"Well" they turned around and was shocked to see Jafar "I knew I'd find you ladies here. Now if you would, I would like the grail."

"Even if we gave you the grail" Whisp frowned "You wont be able to use it, there isn't any Wonderland water in the well anymore."

"That's why it's always a good idea to have a back up plan" Jafar said as he used his powers to bring the grail from Whisp's hand to him.

"Now get out of my way" he frowned as he used his powers to push the genies out of the way.

As Whisp and Gigi got up, they watched as Jafar placed the grail on the well as he then started to wave his hand over it as he said a spell. As he chanted the spell, water began to fill in the grail.

"There" Jafar said proudly as he then looked up to the sky "With your permission of course."

He then picked up the grail and turned to Whisp and Gigi.

"Looks like you've lost genies" he smirked as they stood there with shock "No one can stop me."

He then brought the grail to his lips and drank all the Wonderland water. After that, he gave a gasp in relief as he felt himself become more powerful, but it soon stopped with he suddenly began to feel pain in his body as Whisp and Gigi gave a sneaky laugh.

"What's happening?" Jafar demanded as he felt more pain "What did you do?"

"We didn't do anything" Gigi smirked "It was you."

"Perhaps you don't know this Jafar" Whisp said "And it seems that many people tend to forget about this about the Holy Grail, is that the people that can only drink from the grail must be pure to the heart, and it looks like you're not pure to the heart."

Jafar gasped in pain as he dropped the grail and fell to the ground.

"Looks like you're not so smart and powerful after all" Gigi smirked.

"No" Jafar gasped "No!"

The sisters then watched as Jafar then burst into ashes, the last thing they heard was him yelling.

"We did it" Gigi gasped "We defeated Jafar!"

Whisp and Gigi smiled as they embraced each other in hugs as a bunch of butterflies flew by them and transformed into Cari.

"Good job" she smiled "It is true about the Holy Grail, and many people do forget about it, you must be pure to the heart in order to drink from the grail."

The genies smiled as Cari then went to the side of the well and began to dig up the dirt.

"What are you doing?" Gigi asked.

Cari gave a sigh as she turned to them with a sad look.

"Alistair's been stabbed by Jafar" she said.

"What?" they gasped.

"And the only way to save him is with Wonderland water."

"How if there isn't any water left in the well?" Whisp asked.

"With this" Cari pulled out a small bottle filled with Wonderland water that was sealed with a cork "The last bit of Wonderland water, the only thing that can save him."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Whisp asked "Let's go."

Cari transformed into butterflies as Whisp and Gigi got on a magic carpet and flew to the Red Queen's castle where they went into the room to see everyone around Alistair who was now laying on the couch.

"Alistair?" Gigi gasped when she saw him laying motionless and the bloody stab wound still on his stomach.

"Well?" Lizzie asked Cari.

"Got it right here" Cari held up the bottle.

"Great" Alice gasped "Now save my son."

Cari went over to Alistair and pulled the cork off the bottle. She then poured haft of the water into his mouth and the rest on his wound. The wound was able to heal, but everyone kept their eyes on Alistair, hoping that the water will work to bring back their hero.

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