Ch.16 Torture

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After Alistair mage his first wish, Jafar was forced to let go of Lizzie as she fell to the ground and gasped for air.

"Lizzie are you okay?" Bunny asked, who still couldn't move from Jafar's magic.

"Do I look okay to you?" Lizzie asked from a frown as she tried to get up, but found that she was took weak from the struggle.

"Well played Alistair" Jafar said "Once wish down, 2 more to go."

"You'll have to kill me first" Alistair said sternly "Oh wait, you can't can you?"

"True" Jafar frowned "I need you alive to make your wishes, but that doesn't mean I can do this."

At that point he used his magic to lift Alistair up, he then made Alistair spread his arms and legs out as he started to pull on him. Alistair gave a cry on pain as he felt his limbs being pulled from him with strong force. His friends watched in horror as Alistair felt the pain get stronger as he felt tears pour out.

"All you have to do" Jafar said "Is wish for me to stop, and all the pain will go away."

Alistair continued to cry in pain as his friends watched, not knowing what to do.

"I will never let you have control over us!" Alistair yelled with tears in his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Jafar asked as he made the torture more painful as Alistair continued to cry and yell in pain.

"You'll have to kill me Jafar" Alistair scowled "Cause I will never wish for you."

At that point Jafar made the pain more stronger as Alistair gave a cry that was so loud, Jafar felt that his ears might bleed. But as he continued to torture Alistair, he felt that he had enough as he let go of Alistair as he dropped to the ground. Alistair took deep breaths as he could still feel a bit of the pain, but at least the torture was over. Jafar then released everyone from his magic as they all ran to Alistair and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" Maddie asked him with a worried look.

"Yeah I'm fine" Alistair said.

"Well it's true I might not be able to kill either of you" Jafar said "But you will find that there are things worse than death. So you wont use your wishes to help yourself Alistair, then I will destroy everything you care about, hurting all the people you love, until you have no other choice, because you have a weakness Alistair, I've seen it today, you have a heart, and I will destroy it."

Alistair gave Jafar a mad look with tears in his eyes. Jafar then got on his magic carpet and flew off, not knowing that Alice was watching from behind a statue. She gave a mad look as she started to follow him. After that, everyone was kicked out from the castle as the guards locked the gates.

"Oh there you guys are" Courtly said as she went up to them "Hey did you guys hear this scream that was so loud it felt like your ears might bleed? It sounded like someone was getting tortured."

Alistair turned to her with a frown and tear stains on his cheeks.

"Oh my God it was you wasn't it?" she said with shock "What happened?"

"Jafar happened" he said.

"Oh my God are you okay?" she asked with a worried look.

"Yeah, but probably not for long."

"So what do we do now?" Kitty asked him.

"Just stick to the plan" he said "Keep Gigi and her bottle safe, find her father's bottle, and watch out for Jafar."

"That's it?" Darling said.

"Well what else are we suppose to do?"

"What about Jafar?" Lizzie said "He said that he was gonna destroy everything and everyone you love so you could use up your wishes."

"I don't think there's anything I can do about that, all I can do right now is try to avoid him."

"Well in that case" Darling said as she looked at the sun that was setting "We should go to my place, you all will be safe there."

"And let's hope Gigi's still there" Kitty added as they headed off.

(Flashback) Making their way down the streets of Agrabah, Gigi and Jafar headed to the Sultan's palace where they went in.

"You live here?" Jafar asked.

"Only when I visit Agrabah" Gigi said "My father, who is also a genie, his most recent finder is now married to the princess. And since he and my father are best friends, he let us stay here whenever we want."

"Interesting" he said amused.

All of a sudden, Gigi turned and saw a tiger coming towards her.

"Hey Rajah" she smiled as she bent down as the tiger went to her as she stroked his fur "Who's a good boy?"

Rajah gave a loud purr as he nuzzled Gigi's face. She then turned to Jafar who's eyes were widen.

"Oh don't worry" Gigi said "He's harmless."

But when the tiger noticed Jafar, he went up to him and started to sniff him. He then started to growl at Jafar.

"Rajah!" Gigi said "Don't scare our guest."

But Rajah continued to growl as Jafar as Jafar started to back away.

"Rajah!" Gigi yelled "Go outside to the garden!"

Rajah gave one last growl to Jafar before leaving.

"I'm sorry Jafar" Gigi said "He's not usually like this with guests."

"It's alright" Jafar said "It's probably because he can sense the chicken I as eating earlier."

Just then Whisp entered.

"Hey Gigi" she said.

"Hey Whisp" Gigi said.

"Who's this?" Whisp asked as she went up to them.

"Whisp this is Jafar, he was a genie that I found on the beach."

"You found a genie?" Whisp said surprised.

"Yeah, but I set him free. And Jafar, this is my sister Whisp."

"Nice to meet you Whisp" Jafar smiled.

"You too" Whisp smiled back.

"Where's dad?" Gigi asked her.

"Oh he and the Sultan went to visit some friends, they should be back this evening."

"Okay, in the meantime, Jafar, you want us to show you around?"

"Sure" he said.

As he followed the girls, he turned and saw Rajah looking at him from the garden. The tiger gave a growl as Jafar gave him a warning look. He wasn't gonna let anything, not even the tiger blow his cover.

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