Ch.31 Missing

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After the smoke from the explosion faded away, everyone opened their eyes and saw ashes and flames on the temple and Mulan's sword on the ground next to what appeared to be a burnt body. Mulan went to the sword and picked it up.

"Is he dead?" Cari asked.

"Oh he's dead alright" Mulan said "This time for real."

But as everyone was focusing on the explosion, Jinafire turned and saw the remaining Huns trying to run away.

"Oh no you don't!" she yelled as she blew out fire in front of them blocking their way.

Soon the emperors guards arrived and took the Huns away as Mulan was finally reunited with Shang. After the heartwarming reunion, Mulan turned to Cari.

"Thank you so much Cari" she smiled.

"No problem" Cari smiled.

"Well" Jinafire said after she climbed down the mountain "Now that's over."

"So what are we gonna do about this temple?" Cari pointed to the temple that was still in flames.

"Don't worry" Jinafire said "I'll call my father and tell him to put it out with his rain."

"Okay then."

"Cari" Mulan said as she went to her "Thanks to your smarts, I would like to reward you for helping me get Shang back."

"Oh you don't have to do that."

"No please, I insist. I would like to give you my special sword."

Mulan held out her sword to Cari.

"Your sword?" Cari said.

"It's not an ordinary sword, it's enchanted, it has the ability to block magic and fire. Watch, Jinafire."

Jinafire blew fire towards Mulan as she held up her sword which blocked the incoming fire.

"Wow" Cari said surprised.

"And now it's yours" Mulan handed the sword to her.

Cari took the sword and examined it. She ran her fingers across the blade as she admired the decorative handle.

"Thank you" she smiled to Mulan.

"You wanna practice with it?" Jinafire asked.

"Sure, I'm up for the challenge."

"Alright then" Mulan smiled "Let's get started."

Back at Darling's place, everyone continued to wait for Alistair and Gigi to come back.

"What's taking them so long?" Courtly asked.

"It must be really hard finding that mirror" Bunny said.

"Well they've been gone for a while" Kitty said "Shouldn't they be back-".

At that point Gigi's bottle began to glow as Alistair and Gigi popped out from the bottle with Gigi holding Grimm's mirror.

"Oh there they are" Kitty said.

"Did you guys find it?" Lizzie asked.

"Right here" Gigi showed them the mirror."

"Wow" everyone said amused.

"So this mirror is suppose to prevent Alistair from using his last wish if Jafar or the Jester try to force him to do it?" Maddie asked.

"Yep" Gigi said "All we have to do is get Alistair to look into the mirror and he wont make the wish."

"So how was it like in there?" Alice asked.

"Oh it was amazing" Alistair said "It was like another realm, you guys should've been there."

"Oh I wished I would've come" Maddie said "I bet Darling and Chase would've of liked it."

"And uh, speaking of Darling and Chase" Gigi said "Where are they?"

"Oh they went to go get some food" Bunny said.

"And it's strange how they haven't come back yet" Courtly said with an unsure look.

"Yeah Courtly's right" Lizzie agreed "They've been gone for a long time, it shouldn't take them that long to get food."

"You don't think something happened to them do you?" Maddie asked with a worried look.

"I'll try to find them" Kitty said as she disappeared.

Kitty teleported from different places trying to find Darling and Chase, but when she came to a certain place, she spotted something on the ground. She teleported to it and saw that it was a sword, but as she looked closer, she saw that it belonged to Chase.

"What the?" she said confused as she turned and saw another sword.

This time she realized it was Darling's. But then a thought came to her as her eyes widen.

"Oh no" she gasped as she disappeared.


Darling felt herself starting to wake up, she forced her eyes open and saw Chase sitting in front of her with a sad look on his face.

"Chase?" she said weakly.

"Good you're awake" she turned and saw Jafar standing next to her.

Darling gave a gasp as she tried to move, but found that she was strapped onto a chair, and so was Chase. She also noticed that they were in a large cell.

"What do you want with us?" Darling demanded with a mad look.

"Oh I don't want anything from you" Jafar said "You're just exactly where I want you to be."

"What are you gonna do, kill us? Cause you know you can't do that."

"She's right" Chase said with a frown "When the Jester tried to kill her, Alistair almost dies as well."

"I know, and thanks to that he now has one wish left."

"Well you're never gonna get him to make his last wish" Darling scowled.

"Oh you prissy princess" Jafar chuckled as he twisted her hair "That's exactly why you're here. I may not be able to kill you, but I am able to cause so much pain to both of you, that your friend will have no choice but to make his wish."

"Go ahead and torture me all you want, but Alistair will never wish for you."

Jafar faced her with a mad look.

"Perhaps you don't know this about me" he said as his serpent staff gave a hiss and it's eyes turned a bright red "But I get everything I want, one way or another Alistair will make his last wish and I'll get Gigi's lamp and the Holy Grail. And what happens next will either be painful, or severely  painful. And like what I said before, there are fates far worse than death."

"You wont win Jafar!" Chase scowled.

But at that point Jafar used his the power of his staff to grip Chase's neck as he started to choke.

"Chase!" Darling screamed.

"Do me a favor Redford" Jafar scowled at Chase "And shut up."

Jafar then let go of him as Chase gasped for air.

"Now" he said "I'm pretty sure you've met my new partner, the Jester."

The Jester then appeared from behind the bars while he ran his fingers across the bars. Jafar then went up to him.

"Find their friends" he told him "And send them a message that if they want their friends back alive, they'll have to bring me the bottle, and wonderboy will have to make his last wish."

The Jester gave a sneaky grin as Darling and Chase clenched their fists with anger.

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