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 Arielle had woken up bright and early and surprising she was in a good mood why do you ask surprisingly well after Arielle had almosted killed Edward last night after Bella had called and told Arielle about how Edward messed up her truck so Bella wouldn't go out and see Jacob

"You have no damn right!" Arielle shouted rushing into the Cullen's house/Arielle's second home, Emmett's eyes widen knowing his brother was in deep shit "I'd run if I were you." Rosalie said smirking at Edward, the fear was clear in his eyes, Emmett and Rosalie chuckled, while the rest of the Cullen's looked amused "No she'll catch you." Emmett said to Edward with a smirk as he watched his Fiance storm into the kitchen

"Bella isn't your property you can tell her what she can! and can't do the choice isn't up to you it's up to her." Arielle snapped angry Emmett could see the weather outside picking up the wind was blowing harder and it looked close to having a storm happen 

"Arielle you have to see this in my point of you i don't trust the wolves around Bella, like how Emmett doesn't trust them either." Arielle turned to her Fiance who held his hands up in surrender stepping back, showing he had nothing to do this the argument that was going to happen 

"No Edward, Because unlike you Emmett trust me, he may not trust the wolves but he trust me, if you trusted Bella, you wouldn't have stopped her from seeing Jacob, Bella loves you and only you she's made that pretty clear when she rushed to Italy even when Jacob pleaded her to stay, and i swear to the god that the next time you pull a damn stunt like this I will personally with my manicured nails detach your head from your body." Arielle snapped Emmett placed his hands gently on his Fiance's shoulders calming her down

Arielle smiled in the mirror satisfied with her appearance 

Arielle smiled in the mirror satisfied with her appearance 

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Emmett chuckled watching his Fiance "You look beautiful." Emmett said smirking at her Arielle grinned at him kissing him "I know." Arielle said walking away from him, Katerina let out a laugh joining her sister's side as they walked to the living room seeing Alice, Jasper, Edward, and Rosalie, Katerina moved to Rosalie's side holding her hand

Arielle grinned at the pair Rosalie and Katerina had become more open to their relationship, Rosalie adored Katerina and was protective of her and Katerina adored Rosalie just as much the two were conjoined at hips and Arielle loved seeing them so happy and in love, Rosalie and Katerina both deserved to have someone love them 


Bella and Edward walked towards Bella group of friends taking a seat "Hey." Eric said smiling at the pair "Just in time." Mike said as Emmett and Arielle also joined the table, "See we got my fellow students, right." Mike started Jessica rolled her eyes "Wow." Jessica said crossing her arms over her chest "We are the future.... anything is possible...if you just believe....blah blah blah" Mike said tossing the notebook to Jessica, Angela laughed "Nice." Angela said amused 

Emmett and Arielle rolled their eyes staring at Mike with amusement "Perfect, you got yourself a speech." Mike said smugly "Oh yeah this will be my speech, when I want everyone to throw deplomas at my head, so yeah thank you." Jessica said tossing the crumbled paper at his head 

Arielle smirked listening to Eric and Mike who tried to talk Jessica into using the speech "This speech is gonna be epic." Bella said looking at Arielle "Epic could change lives." Arielle said smirking at her best friend Emmett looked at his Fiance with a huge smile on his face 

Jasper, Alice, Katerina and Rosalie also joined the table "I've decided to throw a party." Alice said excitedly causing Arielle and Bella to frown not at all liking the idea "After all how many times are we going to graduate high school?" Jasper asked looking at his siblings, Emmett, Rosalie and Edward smirked at this 

"A party at your place?" Angela asked "I've never seen your house." Jessica said "I don't think Jessica should be invited she might stock us." Arielle said with a smug look Emmett chuckled his arm around Arielle's shoulders Jessica rolled her eyes at the strawberry blonde "No ones ever seen their house." Eric pointed out to Jessica 

"Another party Alice?" Edward asked upset "It'll be fun." Alice insisted "Yeah, that's what you said last time." Bella pointed out causing Arielle to tense remembering the past events Alice stayed quiet spacing out causing Edward and Arielle to turn towards her 

"Hey Angela." Bella said "Yeah?" Angela asked looking at Bella "Do you need some help with those?" Bella asked Jasper looked at his mate in concern as Edward and Arielle stayed serious and frozen, Bella looked at the two.


"You can't just take her out of town Edward." Arielle said rolling her eyes as she looked throw her magazine in boredom, her legs on Emmett's lap, Rosalie and Katerina cuddling up next to each other in a blanket "It's for her own good." Edward said Arielle rolled her eyes "Bullshit." Arielle stated 

Rosalie, Katerina and Emmett smirked "Bella deserves to know it involves her anyway, she's going to find out either way weither you like it or not." Arielle stated in annoyance "Not unless you tell her." Edward snapped Emmett glared at his brother 

"She'll be anger with you when she finds out and I swear to you if she gets angry at me for keeping your dirty little secrets, I'll kill you." Arielle snapped Edward flinched at her tone, Edward nodded walking away "You know, if you ever did what Edward's doing to Bella, I'd kill you too." Arielle joked looking at her Fiance

Emmett chuckled "Not every vampires as dumb as Edward." Emmett pointed out causing the four of them to smirk.


Arielle is an angry little one, she has a lot of anger built in her which will be revealed why later into the story. Arielle wants what's best for everyone and she believes Bella deserves to know everything that is going to happen soon, but Edward doesn't which is why they basically argue ever 5 minutes. Thank you guys for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter 

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