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Arielle got out of Bella's car "Hey." The two girls said but stopped hearing Jacob's horrible screams Paul walked over to Arielle hugging her, Arielle sighed she felt bad for Jacob all he was trying to do was protect his pack and he got horribly injured "It's been going on for awhile." Quil said looking more at Arielle seeing how angry Arielle was getting "Why didn't any call I could take the pain from him." Arielle added "He hasn't heal enough for you to do that." Paul said to Arielle she sighed resting her head on Paul's chest "Doc are breaking his bones." Seth added "Why'd he have to but in I could of taken that tick." Leah said angry and upset 

"Oh give it a rest Leah." Paul told her Arielle glared at him "She's worried, this is her way of showing that okay." Arielle said to him but also warning any of the other wolves that even dare try to give Leah any shit about this, the door was opened as Carlisle walked out "The worse is over he'll be alright, I gave him some morphine but his body temper will burn it off soon, i come back." Carlisle said to the wolves in a gentle tone, 

"Thank you." Billy said sticking his hand out for Carlisle to shake, Carlisle gladly shook it "He's asking for you." Carlisle said to Bella, "And after they are done with their talk he'd heal well enough and you could take his pain than." Carlisle added looking at Arielle, the strawberry blonde nodded watching Carlisle walk away from them, Bella looked at Billy, Billy nodded to her Bella rushed inside the house, they all stood in silence until Emily spoke up "How's the wedding planning coming?" Emily asked curiously ever since the talk about fighting Arielle had spoke much about anymore 

"It's great really." Arielle said with a soft smile leaning against Paul "So why haven't we got an invite?" Billy asked curiously "I did." Seth, Leah, Embry and Paul said in unison the rest of the wolves looked at her "Cause I'm marrying a vampire and you guys are the hugest vampires haters their are, and I don't want you guys to be uncomfortable or anything." Arielle said to them, Paul rolled his eyes knowing that wasn't the answer "She thought you guys hated her because she was marrying a vampire and having his twins." Paul corrected Billy, Emily, Sam, Jared and Quil looked at Arielle 

"Whoever you marry Arielle, you are still apart of family you've been apart of it even before the Cullen's had arrived so of course we'd want to be invited." Billy said with a small smile"Well that's great to hear than, I'll bring you guys the invitations tomorrow." Arielle said smiling at them happily, Arielle was happy that they were happy for Arielle because Arielle didn't like when they were upset with her, they had been apart of her life for the longest time ever so she had really wanted them to come but she know how'd they'd react but now she was happy knowing that they were happy too.

Arielle and the pack watched Bella walk out "Are you going to need a ride home?" Bella asked Arielle, "No just go, I'll just orb home." Arielle said nodding towards Bella, Bella nodded getting into her truck and driving off, Arielle walked into the house into Jacob's bedroom, Arielle looked at him "Hey Green eyes." Jacob said softly Arielle let out a small laugh knowing Jacob was tired, Arielle sat by his side "I'm going to take as much pain as I can, tomorrow I'll come back to take more pain and you'll be good." Arielle said with a soft smile 

Arielle placed her hand on Jacob's arm gently she closed her eyes taking a deep breathe taking most of Jacob's pain, she stopped after she saw the relieved look on Jacob's face "Thank you Arielle." Jacob said giving her a weak smile "It's what I do Jacob." Arielle said standing up "No I mean for everything, you could kill me in a heartbeat but you haven't you've defended me even when I've done a lot of wrong to Edward and the Cullen's, I want to thank you for always being kind when you had every right not to be." Jacob said smiling at her,

Arielle grinned "Goodnight Jacob." Arielle said to the wolf "Goodnight Arielle." Jacob said smiling he watched Arielle walk out of his room, Arielle walked outside "Is he going to be okay?" Billy asked "He'll be a whole lot better now, he's already making jokes, I'll be back early morning to more to take anymore pain at all, just call me." Arielle said "How are you going to get home?" Seth asked "Bye Second Family or 3rd or 4th I lost count." Arielle said as a bright white light surrounded her and than she was gone.

{Next Day}

Arielle and Emmett were on a tree Arielle sitting on one strong branch while Emmett sat on another which was a bit higher than Arielle's, Arielle was writing in her notebook "What are you writing?" Emmett asked "The most haves in our wedding." Arielle said to Emmett, Alice already had most of the wedding prepared all Arielle had to do was get some good sleep and look amazing but Arielle wanted things to be perfect and so did Alice so it made everything much harder,

Emmett chuckled "We have one month to make this perfect before I become Mrs. Cullen, and our wedding needs to be amazing better than Bella and Edward's way better you got that." Arielle told Emmett "Yes ma'am." Emmett said with a soft chuckle seeing his Fiance glare at him "Where are we going for the honey moon?" Emmett asked "Hawaii duh." Arielle stated with a soft smirk on her face "Imagine having sex in the water." Emmett said smirking Arielle blushed hitting Emmett's leg 

"I love you Arielle, and I promise you, your going to get everything to ever wanted." 


This chapter is cute and it's short, and I like it but my favorite chapter out of this book it's 12 because that one was so freaking fun to write and change up. GUYS I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT THIS IS THE ACTUAL LAST CHAPTER OF THIS BOOK AND IT SUCKS TO SAY GOODBYE BUT I WON"T START WRITING THE FOURTH BOOK JUST YET. Because I want to finish and update more on my other books but don't worry it won't be along wait until you read BOOK FOUR. I PROMISE YOU BABES :D


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