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Arielle, Emmett, and Delia were at the hospital with Carlisle, Carlisle had decided he wanted to take a few test to see what was going on with Arielle, Carlisle had an idea but he knew it couldn't be possible, it wasn't supposed to be possible.

Arielle layed on the hospital bed, Emmett holding her hand, Arielle gripped onto his hand tightly afraid of any bad news, "How long is this going to take?" Delia said getting impatient, she was really terrified she was finally able to see her younger sister and she didn't need to lose her anytime soon 

"Soon, Carlisle said the test should take about 30 minutes or so." Emmett told his soon to be sister-in-law, Delia sighed running a hand through her curls "Delia could you just sit, your making me even more nervous." Arielle pleaded to her older sister, Delia sighed nodding sitting down across from the engaged couple

The door was soon opened by Carlisle who was looking at papers in disbelief, Delia quickly stood up along with Emmett, who still was holding his Fiance's hand, "I don't know how this is possible." Carlisle said looking at Arielle than at Emmett 

"What? Carlisle? What's wrong with me?" Arielle asked "Nothing's wrong, well it's not very usual that a vampire gets engaged to a angel, let alone gets one pregnant, it's supposed to be impossible, it happened a century ago but no ones ever heard about this in years." Carlisle continued to rant still in shock himself, 

Delia, Arielle and Emmett stared wide eyes at Carlisle hearing the news "I'm pregnant?" Arielle asked in disbelief, Carlisle looked at the engaged couple nodding softly towards them "Congratulations, Arielle Bennett, your having twins." Carlisle said handing Arielle a picture

Arielle's eyes watered staring at the picture, Emmett looked at Arielle he didn't exactly know at the moment what he felt, he knew he wanted a family, excpecially with Arielle, he wanted a family with Arielle more than anything 

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Arielle's eyes watered staring at the picture, Emmett looked at Arielle he didn't exactly know at the moment what he felt, he knew he wanted a family, excpecially with Arielle, he wanted a family with Arielle more than anything 

Delia looked at her sister "We're having twins, Em, Twins." Arielle said the happiness clear in her eyes, Emmett broke into a smile as well hugging Arielle, Arielle hugged him "Carlisle, how the hell did this happen?" Delia asked confused "I'm not sure, But I'll do research just to make sure this pregnacy is safe." Carlisle told the Oldest Female Bennett, Delia nodded looking at the newly engaged couple who were going to be excepting twins.

"How do you feel?" Emmett asked as they walked into the woods, Paul and Jared wanted to meet in the middle on the other side of the treaty line, Arielle had agreed wanting to walk "It's different you know, I grew up with out my birth mother, I was given to a married couple who didn't care about me, I was abused for years, so I never really had a mother or someone like a mother to protect me and love me, and it terrifies me that I'll be a no better mother then my birth mother who left me and my adoptive mother who beat me." Arielle explained to Emmett,

Emmett stopped walking gently grabbing both of Arielle's hands his forehead head leaning against hers "Arielle you are one of the most strongest and loving woman I have ever met, your not going to be like them, I know you, your going to be a better mother, your going to be an amazing mother." Emmett told Arielle

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