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Arielle and Bella were currently in the woods stabbing their finger and wiping the blood around the trees, Arielle at the moment didn't really like the fact that she had to stab her finger over and over again because of her healing abilities, the two girls had marked about everything that they came across "Babe your going a little overboard." Emmett said smirking at his Fiance, she rolled her green eyes at him shrugging "Better safe than sorry." Arielle stated smirking at Emmett,

Arielle and Emmett had moved away from Bella and Edward so they could all have their own conversations, but the two heard Edward asked Bella about her ring and the human made up an excuse, Arielle wore her proudly but unlike Bella who was both in love with Edward and another man her other man was way to over protective about a life that wasn't his,

Arielle was thankful Paul, Emmett and Arielle were all on good terms because Arielle would've killed both Emmett and Paul's ass if they continued to argue the way Edward and Jacob do when it comes to Bella, "Hey we need to get the wedding going btw, even Bella and Edward are catching up." Arielle stated looking at Emmett chuckled, "I promise you after this we will get married as soon as possible." Emmett said chuckling holding Arielle's face in his hands "Good because I don't want to be huge when I'm in my wedding dress and I'm barely showing so I will look good a wedding dress." Arielle stated "You look good in everything." Emmett said smirking at Arielle

Arielle rolled her eyes smiling at Emmett "Who's head is unclear?" Jacob asked walking over with Paul behind, "Pauly Pocket." Arielle said smiling at the wolf "Nobodies I hope." Bella said with a soft smile "Alice says there is a storm coming." Edward said "Yeah we can feel it." Paul and Jacob said in unison "We should get going." Jacob said to Bella, Paul looked at Arielle who nodded softly at him "I'll see you soon." Emmett said smiling at Arielle kissing her forehead "Something up?" Paul and Arielle heard Jacob ask"Bunch of vampires trying to kill me." Bella simply said "You mean me mostly, you just got in the way of Victoria's plans." Arielle stated with a smirk on her face 

"Same old same old." Paul said lifting up Arielle as Jacob lift up Bella, Jacob and Paul had taken Bella and Arielle to one of the highest pecks, Arielle was nervous and worried for The Cullen's and the Wolves they were both like families to her wither they hated one another Arielle wanted them all to live, when they got to the camp site there were two tents because Arielle wanted her own and she didn't really want to die with Bella or Edward. Jacob, Paul and Arielle let Edward and Bella hug one another Arielle sighed she wished that Emmett would be here with her but instead he was fighting for they're family which Arielle couldn't blame she wished that she was able to fight along side her family but that was impossible with twins inside her 

"Thank you." Edward said "You two should get back before the storm begins." Bella said to the wolves "No, were staying." Jacob said looking at him and Paul "You'll need our connection to keep tab on the pack for what's going on." Paul told them "Your not going to fight?" Bella asked the wolves "Seth will get me in the morning, he's not happy about missing the action but it'll keep him out of trouble." Jacob said Edward looked at Bella "Let's get you inside." Edward told his mate, Bella followed after him "Come on you two can stay in my for the time being." Arielle said grabbing Paul's hand dragging him towards her tent with Jacob following closely behind the two.

It was dark and the storm had finally come and Arielle was freaking her ass off along with Bella in the other tent, Arielle was practically turning into a ice cube, Jacob and Paul watched the pregnant girl in concern Jacob had suggested that Paul were told hold her to keep her warm through the night due to their high temper but Arielle believed she could handle it 

"Go to Bella, Jake." Arielle said reading Edward's mind, Jacob looked at Arielle unsure "She's going to need you." Arielle said to Jacob, Jacob nodded walking out of the tent and Paul closely it behind him to make it any worse for Arielle "Arielle you'll freeze to death if you don't let me help you keep you warn, and then I'll have to deal with angry Cullen's, an Angry Pack, Angry whitelighters and darklighters." Paul pointed out, Arielle sighed giving in "I thought Angels would have a gifts would keep me warm." Arielle stated "Well you thought wrong." Paul said amused moving behind her and wrapping his arms around her instantly making her feel warm, Arielle turned around cuddling into Paul "God, your so warm." Arielle said softly and tiredly 

"Arielle get some sleep." Paul said with a smile on his face holding her tightly in his arms "I'm happy that your with me on this, and not constantly fighting with Emmett about my life." Arielle mumbled "Well I think you two deserve each other Arielle, and that's all I could ask for, for you to be happy." Paul said smiling at Arielle kissing her forehead softly "I love you Pauly Pocket." Arielle said softly "I love you two green eyes." Paul said with a small laugh, Arielle giggled her eyes softly closely as she got even more tired "Goodnight Ari." Paul said smiling "Goodnight Paully." Arielle said her voice getting even more quiet, Paul looked at Arielle to see the strawberry-blonde had fall asleep. 

Paul felt horrible for Arielle, the thing that Arielle always wanted was in danger because of the red headed vampire, and Paul knew that if she lost Emmett that she would lose it, if she lost the twins and Emmett it would be the end of happy Arielle, so Paul knew that when they fought on the field tomorrow he was going to make sure Paul stayed alive for Arielle, and the twins sake because he didn't want Arielle to be put through anymore hurt than she's already been.


I really like this chapter it's a bit longer than 10 but it's not a very longer chapter, but besides that I got more Paul and Arielle in this chapter because there really hasn't been a lot of the two and I just need to add him into the story because I miss him and Arielle interacting with one another. Next Chapter will be WAR PITCHES and I'm so freaking excited even though I suck at fighting chapters because I hate fighting but Imma deal with that. Thanks for reading :D


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