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Arielle watched Emmett get tossed by Jasper "Again." Emmett said determined just as Edward arrived with Bella, Edward grabbed Bella's hand seeing the bracelet Jacob got her "It's a graduation present, Arielle has one too." Bella said to her vampire boyfriend, Bella moved hugging her pregnant best friend "How are you?" Bella asked hugging her 

"I feel-I feel very huge." Arielle said to Bella, Bella let out a soft laugh "Well you don't even look like it, you still can't even see a belly." Bella told Arielle, Arielle smiled at Bella as Emmett moved towards Arielle his arm around her waist as she layed her head against his chest, Rosalie and Katerina stood next to each other hand and hand

"Where's Delia and Derek?" Carlisle asked Arielle, Arielle shrugged she didn't know "They went out for a little bit." Katerina said tensed up, Rosalie also seemed very tensed but nobody questioned them, Arielle looked confused but decided against questioning them when they're was more important matters to attend and because the pack had shown up in they're wolf form 

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human form." Edward said to Carlisle "They came, that's what matters." Carlisle said when Edward turned to look at Arielle, she looked at Emmett "What now?" Emmett asked with a sigh "They want Arielle at their side, since they're here to protect her as well they want her next to them." Edward said Arielle turned to her mate "Go, it's okay." Emmett said Arielle sighed he kissed her forehead gently walking towards the wolves sitting down on a tree log next to Embry, Paul and Leah guarding her 

Arielle let out a laugh as Paul licked her, Emmett watched the two with jealous but didn't speak out "Can you translate." Carlisle said to Edward "Welcome Jasper has experinece with newborns he'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle said Sam looked at Arielle "They want to know how the newborns are different for you guys." Arielle told The Cullen's 

"They are a great deal stronger than us because there own human blood lingers in their tissues, our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." Carlisle said to the wolves turning to Jasper "Carlisle, right that's why they're created a new born army doesn't need thousands like a human army but no human army could stand against them, the two most important things to remember are first never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly second never go for the obvious kill, they'll be excepting that and you'll lose." Jasper said to them "Emmett." Jasper called out, Emmett looked at Arielle "You can do this." Arielle encouraged 

"Don't hold back." Jasper said smirking Emmett smirked "Not in my nature." Emmett said smugly, Emmett ran towards Jasper who just easily let him, Emmett flipped Jasper over, Jasper easily stood back up running towards Emmett, Arielle flinched as Jasper throw Emmett to the ground "Don't ever lose focus." Jasper said with a smug look on his face, The wolves and Arielle watched The Cullen's all fight against each other, 

"I don't want you all getting hurt." Arielle said sighing "It's our job to protect you."  Paul said Arielle rolled her eyes "What if you get killed, I can't live with you guys getting killed because of me." Arielle said looking at Paul, Embry and Leah "Arielle your our family to, not just the Cullen's but ours too."  Embry said causing Arielle to smile as she pet the top of their heads, 

Emmett walked over to his fiance "Where done for the day." Emmett said to her the three wolves moved back staring at Emmett, Arielle gave her mate a pleading look "Can I?" Arielle asked Emmett sighed "You don't have to ask Arielle, they're your family too, can you just stay closer to Leah please." Emmett pleaded to his mate, Arielle let out a soft giggle kissing him as Leah knelt down allowing Arielle to climb on.

{Sam & Emily's House}

Arielle arrived now walking with Paul and Embry behind her and Leah at her side, "How do you feel?" Leah asked her concerned with a soft smile "I feel terrified." Arielle said sighing "Boys go inside." Leah said causing Paul and Embry to frown "You can't hog her up." Embry whined Leah glared at them which caused the two to quickly run into the house 

Leah and Arielle walked through the woods together, Arielle stared at Leah the girl was very tall she stood at about 5'10 while Arielle was only 5'3, so the short haired brunette toward over her "I get that your worried for us Arielle but like Embry said your family, and i'd rather be helping you and your twins than Bella." Leah said causing Arielle to let out a soft giggle 

"That's not the only thing I'm worried about." Arielle said sighing "Your afraid of losing the twins aren't you." Leah pointed out Arielle nodded, Leah pulled the strawberry-blonde into a hug "I promise you, Me, Paul and Embry wouldn't allow that to happen but not just us Emmett and the Cullen's look dead on set to protect you and those babies you're carrying." Leah explained to Arielle 

"Arielle, you have people who love you and are willing to die to protect you, I know your going to make it through this with you and your twins, and I promise you no one is dying besides those vampires." Leah said giving Arielle a soft smile, the two began to walk towards Emily & Sam's house to see Derek and Delia, Wyatt Salvatore and a woman Arielle figured was her mother with the pack looking confused but also stood tall glaring at Wyatt and the other woman 

"Derek? What's going on?" Leah asked rushing to her imprints side "Just decided to let Arielle have a family reunion." Derek said looking at Leah, he cupped Leah's face kissing her Leah instantly kissed back Arielle grinned she was happy she knew about how horrible Leah had it and how much she hated being around Sam because it was her ex boyfriend who was marrying her cousin,

"Arielle, this is your mother Alora." Wyatt said Alora walked towards her daughter causing the pack to growl, Arielle nodded towards them they nodded backing away a bit, Alora gently placed her hand on Arielle's check "I never thought I'd get to see you again." Alora said smiling her eyes watered "Cute." Arielle commented annoyed "Arielle, sweetheart you have to understand that I didn't want to leave you but the elders were angry at me, I was a whitelighter and your father was a darklighter it was forbidden for us to be together, and when they found out about you the elders were terified they wanted you dead." Alora explained, Arielle backed up "I don't believe Katerina said-" Arielle was cut off "Katerina didn't know them like we did, Arielle we've been alive for centuries our family is one of the powerful creatures to exist-" Alora was cut off 

"Along with the most dangerous, I know about Wyatt and his kind, I know you've all killed innocents." Arielle said "You don't understand, we did it for you if we didn't kill them they would kill you, the elders told everyone that our families were abominations that we had to be killed for the fun." Wyatt said to Arielle "Why come back now?" Arielle asked "Because we heard about Victoria." Alora said softly Arielle looked at her parents "Arielle they came to help us fight against the newborns with 4 Salvatores at our side the chances of us winning are even higher now." Delia spoke looking at Arielle 

"I want to thank you, but I can't just forgive you after everything I've been through because of you guys." Arielle told them honestly "It's why were going to give you more time, when you need us all you have to do is shout." Alora said kissing her daughter's forehead before the two orbed away.

Arielle layed on the couch fast asleep Paul covered her with a blanket kissing her forehead "Your going to be okay Arielle, everything is going to be okay." Paul said softly.

Sorry there wasn't to much Paul but I kinda of wanted to show more of Arielle and Leah because they would end up being family soon due to the fact that Leah imprinted out Derek and I never really had her talk to Arielle so I was like fuck it! Alora is played Sara Canning who played Jenna Sommers in Vampire Diaries, and I changed the actor who played Wyatt (Matt Davis) to Henry Cavill because Katerina needs to look like one of her parents right, and they're are a lot more actors and actresses with blue eyes and black hair than their are strawberry-blondes. Thank you all for reading this chapter, what do you guys think of Arielle's parents? You think their lying or telling the truth?

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