haru kaidoux oc reader LONG

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This is kinda just like the manga.  Well. Very alike. I will not make it just like the manga but simularrrrrr. Okay? Good. Warning long. *winks* Might make it a real story on this oneshot. You tell me if you like it okay?

Car. No.Run. Running for my life. Why would someone come see the old woman who adopted me. Oh my. You don't understand do you? Let me explain. 

Flash back

People.No.Run. Pat!Pat!Pat! The sound of me bear feet barely heard. Hmm..Odd. Humans don't normally look at me. Thinking they can't see me I start to walk away. "Hmm.." Tilting my head to make me look in this woman's eyes. She's rude. She regrets something. Many secrets are held in her head. Knowing what is going to pop out of her mouth...I nod. "Name please" Shaking my head. Don't get me wrong I know my name, however I refuse to talk. Seeing no point. I will be ignored for a long time. Looking over my should and signing for her to follow me. Walking. Normal pace for her, I tend to walk fast so. Opening the door, grabbing adoption papers and a pen. Gently handing them to her. The lady know I wish to keep my name hidden. I'm ashamed of my name. Well if only I could call it a name. More like a constant reminder of how little I mean to the word. Reminding me that no one will ever love me. I'm 15 years old yet I know more than it seems. Most kids get adopted while they are young, innocent. No one wants me. Hiding many scars, secrets on my skin. Any way. Sorry I got off topic. "It's done child. Come" Walking a safe distance behind her. " You can sit in the front or back if you would like. Pick one." I look at her. Tilting my head as if I was asking were she wanted to me to sit. "Its up to you." I pick the back seat. Its roomy. A bunch of dogs start growling at me. Looking them in the eye made them shut up quickly. Sitting in the corner of the left hand side. Behind the passengers seat in the car. Odd its a American made car. Starting the car and off we go. A few hours later we stop at a airport. "Sorry. Me and my husband were on vacation. We live in Japan." Nodding. I don't care were I am. They will soon forget me. Normally I sleep outside. Outside all day and night. Finding the dark peaceful. 

*end of flash back*

Time skip to after the plan ride, Week later. (same time but so you know)

That's how it all started a week ago. Now. Time to finish what I started. Running to the top of a tree to see what was going on. I know who's car that is but I hear 2 people. One I know. One I do not know. Odd. I thought I knew a lot of people. "Blehh. I got sand in my mouth AGAIINN" A whinny voice said. Male. Older. Not meaning his 30's but older than me. I must hide. His eyes. They put me at ease. Not something I like. Jumping onto then off the roof in front of him. "Grab her!" Old woman screams. Dogging all of his attempts to grab me. Fast for a normal person. Slow to me.  Next. Time to head out. Lake. That's were I shall go. Off I go. "WAIT" The unknown person screams. "Please eat dinner with us!" Running forward, leaving him in my dirt. Dinner? How long since I last eat something? 4 days? Mann I'm skinny. I have a full chest, butt. However you can see all my ribs. Weird I know *face palm* I finish walking to the river that connects to a lake.  Trust. Pain. Worry. Sadness. All in his blue eyes. No. Must not trust. Trust is the same as wanting death. 

Crunch, crunch,crunch,crunch. 

Odd. Oh no. His scent. Its him. What does he want. "Hey." Slow steps towards me. Knowing if he moves fast I will gun it and run with all my might. "Are you hungry?" Only reply he got was me staring at him. Well his eyes anyway. "What.  You don't like my eyes do you?" Shaking my head 'no'. He smiles.  "Lets go eat dinner" Walking. I move back and sign him to walk ahead. I shall go with him. Any fast movements, I will run. The door. A place I refuse to enter. Not my house. The only place I want to be is were I live. The trees. Sitting in a tree. Fifteen minutes later he returns with one single plate of food. "Hello? Why didn't you come in and eat?" Jumping down and eating the food with my hands. Simply shrugging. Bowing as a thank you. "Will you please come in to sleep?" 'No' Head shake was my reply to his question. Not inside. Grabbing me, carrying me. "Fine." Throwing me gently on the bed only for him to toss me a shirt that is wayyy tooo bigg and some panties that might fit...What the hell? Looking at him. Blushing as he turns around. I take off my dirty shirt, spandex shorts and panties. Mmm. These new clothes smell nice. I fold my dirty one and put them in a pile on the floor. Carrying me back to the bed. "Please stay" Begging me with his voice. Hard to say no, so I agree. Knowing I will regret this moment for a life time. 

Time skiiipp. till 1 am

 still awake, My head  to his bear chest. My leg wrapped around him. Blanket kicked off. Cuddled tightly. Odd most would kick me out of the house by now. Feeling him stir. Hmm..I should sleep now. Its the third day already. Maybe I should sleep today away.  I feel someone out side the door. 5 doors away. Coming closer. This person is closing the door carefully. Must be the odd human. A soft "wow" was hear. Pretending to be asleep. "Such a cute little face! " A low chuckle. "Bad me" was heard then the bed moved down. The odd human is coming back to sleep. I shall sleep today away

Time skip. 

"She has............She needs rest..........Sleeping...............................Wait.........Make sure she sleeps till she wakes up on her own accord." 

Cuddling the odd human again. 

Mannn I wanna finish but I also wanna eat then sleep!!

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