Meet Jade Gilbert

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Chapter 2

Jade's POV

I woke up, shutting my eyes instantly as the sunlight sneaked onto my windows, I rolled to the side of the bed and raised my left hand to look at my wristwatch

8:11 am

"Shoot! I overslept" I moaned as I head through the bathroom, and winced looking at how dusty and dirty it is

I really didn't got the chance to see the whole apartment since I directly threw myself to the bed yesterday,

I took a deep breath and tie my dark brown hair into a messy bun, opening the cabinet below the sink, I found cleaning detergents and some dry cloths.

"Now lets clean this filthy hell of a mess"


Exactly after an hour and a half of cleaning, I throw myself on the couch and taking breaths as I wipe the sweat on my forehead,

ringgg!!! ringgg!!!

I reached for my phone, and immediately a smile form my lips as I saw who it is,

"Long time no see b#%^h" Andy said to the line, I can almost feel her grinning widely.

"Long time no see"

"Hey?! why do you sound like a dead horse?"

"I cleaned my apartment, I moved remember?" I replied rolling my eyes, a gasp came up on the line making me arch my brows "Andy?"

"Jade" she whimper "why didn't you tell me that you moved today, I could have let you in my place"

"Well FYI, I moved yesterday so I didn't really got the chance to tell you about it caused I'm tired, happy?"

"Duh!, you should have texted me, so uhm-, hows the old guy?"

"Still old!" I said as she laughed, I know exactly who she's talking about, its Eric

Let's just say that something happened in the past, one of the reason why Andy moved out away from him. yep folks! long story

"How about party tonight? I'll fetch you up 8 pm, deal?"

"Deal" I smirked as she hung up

I texted her my address, and stride towards my bedroom opening my suitcase, I set my clothes aside revealing my babies beneath them,

Pistols, Rifles, Revolvers, Shotguns, Explosives, Daggers, Knives, and my very own Katana


"Hit that harder Gilbert!" Grandpa yelled holding a stick

I'm on the Gym, body tired, sweating all over as I throw punch after punch on the punching bag, I paused for a minute to intake a breath but,

I felt a sharp pain cursed through my back as the stick hit it with full forced 

Here's the thing about training with my Grandpa itself, he takes it very seriously to the extend he doesn't treat like me his own blood and I liked it that way cause I don't need pity I need strength, and as he always told me as long I've learn something, the pain will subside and will turn into power and experienced.

I immediately throw blow after blow and did an upper-cut, the more I punched the more I hungered for vengeance and just as I throw another one he whistled signalling me to stop.

End of Flashback***

It was almost 8 pm when I finished everything up black dress, black sneakers, and my favorite black leather jacket. Don't even asked me why I liked black it just makes me feel put together.

I loaded my guns with the bullets I personally made myself, stuff it in my black lace thigh holster under the dress along with the knives, daggers, and some explosives. Now I'm ready to go!

This is what I personally quote as "Carry a gun, Dress like a girl"

Just as I'm about to head outside I heard a long wolf-whistling, turning to the side I saw a tall blond smirking at me, "Hey hottie, wanna have fun?" he yelled

I ignored the blond, and was about to walked out when suddenly I feel an arm grabbing me firmly, and because of my reflex I immediately take a hold in his other arm turning it and pinning him on the wall,

He wanna have fun?, well! I'll give him my definition of FUN!

I fished out my knife, pointing it on his neck, almost ready to make a slit when---I heard a long horn coming from outside indicating Andy is here, well save by the car beep!

Lucky guy!

I leaned to the guy's ear, and saw him tremble as the knife was now pointed inch away from his eyes,

"Touch me again and I'll ram this into your eyeballs turning it slowly, letting you absorb the pain, and I'll keep stabbing you until you bleed copiously."


"You're late!" Andy said the moment I slid down into her car,

"Nice car" she stared at me with raised brows "I got distracted" I shrugged, turn to her and now it's my turn to arch a brow "Aren't you gonna drive?, we're late"

She sigh in defeat and dismiss the thought as a smirk appear on her glowing tan face "Right!, buckle up barbie, we're going to a party" 

"Tss!" I rolled my eyes and she laugh as she speed the car to life.

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