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She's gone.


He always knew their adventures were dangerous. Deadly. Terrifying.
It was rarely ever fun but somehow it has never crossed his mind that she would be gone. Gone where he couldn't follow.

There would be no more smiles, no more annoying yells, no more embarrassing moments, no more glue and glitter littering the room, no more plans ruined because of her and the pig, no more...

No more Mabel.

No more Mabel and it was all his fault.

If he hadn't—

He should have never let her get anywhere close to the mysteries, if he had just been less stupid then she would be here. Filling the world with cheer and color, gaining new friends and taking the world by storm through sheer personality.

She should be here, not him. Not him who only ever messed up everything he touched, not him who robbed the world of the purest soul in existence, not him the eternal screw up.

It was his fault, his fault, hisfaulthisfault—

nO iT's NoT


iT's NoT yOuR fAuLt PiNe TrEe, It WaS tHeIrs.


oH c'MoN pInE tReE, i'M jUsT tRyInG tO hElP hErE. dOn'T yOu WaNt To SeE yOuR sIsTeR aGaIn?

... You could do that?

sUrE i CaN! bUt ThErE's A lItTlE sOmEtHiNg In ExChAnGe...

I DON'T CARE I'LL DO IT! Mabel deserves to live not me, I'll do anything to get her back.


There was an outstretched hand coated in blue fire and a smiling yellow one-eyed triangle. A young distraught boy took his hand firmly, the blue fire spread on their hands when...

Elsewhere in another world the same yellow triangle was being erased inside the mind of Stanley Pines.

"wAiT yOu'Re MaKiNg A mIsTaKe! I'lL gIvE yOu AnYtHiNg! MoNeY, fAmE, rIcHeS, iNfInItE pOwEr, YoUr OwN gAlAxY!"

The demon was being erased and he panicked more.


The demon started changing forms and glitching like crazy. He suddenly found that none of his powers were working properly which increased his fear.


He garbled incoherently for a while as the glitching became worse until finally his form turned black and his eye red and he reached out to the only person there.


Then he shattered to pieces. Erased from existence.

Now, when a demon such as Bill dies in one universe he dies in every universe. That is the price of existing between dimensions as an all-powerful being so when our protagonist and the dream demon shook hands the same moment Bill dies...

Bill's magic lost control.

And Dipper Pines paid the price.

He was found later that day by Grunkle Stan, unconscious and half-dead.

He woke up after a week, conflicted and confused. He has too many memories of different versions of themselves in different timelines and it was messing with their head—

He was Bill and—no I am Dipper Pines!

I... I am...

WhO aM i?


Their head shot up and looked into the concerned faces of his Grunkles and a surge of emotions ripped through them like a knife.



"Dipper, I know losing Mabel was hard but we can't lose you too." Stan was saying when Ford shoved him out of the way and pointed a gun to their faces.

"What the hell Ford?!"

"That's not Dipper, Stan!" He said sternly before they could react he fired. Blood splattered.



But it was too late. There was a dead body of a boy lying on the couch, his blood soaking everything in red and his sightless brown eyes stared back at them, his face frozen in shock.

"Y-you... YOU KILLED A CHILD!" Stan bellowed, punching Ford in the nose hard enough to break. "It wasn't enough for you to start an apocalypse and kill my niece but my nephew as well?!"

Stan grabbed Ford by the lapels of his coat ensuring that they were eye level and growled out:

"I should have never released you from that hellhole."

"Stan you don't understand—!"

The body twitched on the couch, unnoticed by the squabbling brothers.

"Save it pal," he said viciously. "I'm gonna—"

"Heh..." The corpse raised a hand and rested it on its forehead where it was shot. But the brothers were too busy arguing to notice until the corpse let out a garbled, maniacal laugh.

"So it was you..." The voice was garbled and the corpse lifted its head and revealed the gaping hole on its head and the wide, unblinking yellow serpentine eyes. It smiled a little too wide to be natural. "You killed her."

A month later Gravity Falls was wiped off the map and the world was in chaos.

In the midst of it all, a young boy in a black, old-fashioned three-piece suit was smiling that same unnatural smile, without a scratch or any indication that he was shot in the head by his own Grunkle.

As he stood—floated— there, admiring his own handiwork an old memory resurfaced which made his unnatural smile broaden wider.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He howled. "Bipper, huh? I think I like that."

"I am Bipper..." he began, "and I am the god of this world—no. I am the god of the universe!"

{The logic of brain damaged Dipper was this; if his own Grunkle, Grunkle Ford especially, was willing to shoot his own nephew in the head for suspected demon-possession then it wouldn't be that far of a stretch for him to kill his own niece for the same reasons. While obviously that's not what happened, Dipper isn't thinking straight and he is technically a fusion of Bill so he probably has a memory of a different timeline wherein Ford really did kill Mabel (Ford shooting him wasn't helpful) then his next (overkill) reaction was to kill everyone in revenge, self-defense and sadistic amusement.

Rant over, RS out!}

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