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It was a quiet afternoon, the grass swayed with the soft breeze that drifted through the meadow by the hillside. The sun gave off a warm light that seemed to turn the clearing into a picturesque, almost unreal perfect landscape. A detail that Dipper would have definitely noticed if his attention wasn't wholly focused on the person in front of him.

Mabel, his sister so happy and pure and untainted by any evil, sat in front of him with her cheerful smile in place.

If this was death then he had no idea why he didn't try it sooner.

For a while, all he did was stare in disbelief while she played with the grass while occasionally glancing at him with a smile. Dipper tried to smile back before he realised that he couldn't.

He tried to speak, to yell, to hug her and assure himself that this was real but...

... he couldn't move.

No matter what he did, he was powerless.

Mabel! He tried to yell, Mabel can you hear me? Answer me please!

Mabel, Mabel I'm so sorry please forgive me ohgod I'm sorry I left you alone, I'm sorry I'm such a jerk, I'm sorry I killed you, I'm so so sorry - -

"So is it working?" a voice cut through the silence and panicked apologies. It took a moment to register that the voice was Mabel and she was addressing him.

Dipper futilely tried to apologize again but instead he sighed and replied, "I don't know, I haven't tried this before."

The voice was deeper, smoother and calmer. Nothing like Dipper's prepubescent cracking voice; as Dipper processed this information he, or rather, the man stood up from the ground he was sitting on and lent a hand to Mabel and helped her up.

"Let's try it out anyway." What is going on?!

"So how do I do this?" Mabel asked, looking up to him in a curious manner. Since when did Mabel had to look up to see me? WHAT IS THIS AND WHERE AM I?!

"I assume," Dipper felt himself reply. "That its similar to when you use your phones."

"Oh well that's great!" Mabel took off running and stopped directly in front of him (them?). She cleared her throat and prepped herself up for something.

"Okay ready!"

This is a memory isn't it? Dipper thought, recalling similar escapades when he was in control of Bill's powers. None of this is real, is it?

Is it?

"This is a recorded message for my dear bro bro Dipper Pines!" Dipper's train of thought was silenced while Mabel continued.

"Hey, its me the bestest sister in the world Mabel!" There was a polite cough and she sheepishly added, "and my friend here Wirt." she gestured towards Dipper.

"He's helping me record this message for you if you ever come by here in the Unknown!"

She spun a tiny circle just to showcase the clearing they were standing on and smiled again. "It has something to do with his voodoo magic thing and I swear you two will get along like fire to uhh..."

Like a house on fire.

"Like a house on fire?" Wirt suggested. Mabel snapped her fingers and carried on like she wasn't interrupted. "Like two dorks in a bookstore!"

Wirt huffed in amusement and gestured for her to continue. Mabel fidgeted and took a deep breath before continuing.

"Right, anyway I just wanted to tell you that even though we aren't with one another anymore but there is still that part of me that hopes - believes that we'll meet again someday. I don't know where or when maybe in our dreams. So always remember that I love you bro-bro."

But... shouldn't you hate me? It was my fault you're gone...

"If worst comes to worst and I'll never see you again. I'll just record all the things I want you to remember." Her voice wavered just a little and her eyes glittered with unshed tears. "Don't stay up late Dip even if it is a big breakthrough. You need rest because you look like a zombie when you don't sleep." She chuckled, "And you act just a tiny bit crazy too. Also, always remember to just be yourself when you talk to girls. No complicated plans."

"But!" She said strongly, "If she doesn't accept you for being the awesome you then drop her like one of Grunkle Stan's gross hairy pancakes!"

Mabel gave a little laugh and Dipper felt his sins crawling on his back.

I don't deserve this... I don't deserve to be loved...

She sniffed and smiled. "I'll promise that I won't go flirting with every boy I see unless I know them them a bit better and I promise I'll be careful because you're an eternal worrywart."

Mabel looked like she wanted to say more but held herself back instead putting on a false cheery smile.

"Oh, before I forget. Grunkle Stan, Soos, Wendy, and even Pacifica, are missing you. Grunkle Stan still hates Grunkle Ford for what he did and I kinda do too and I—I..." She stuttered with tears streaming down her face and took a deep breath. "I miss you bro-bro. I'll miss your stupid habit of chewing pens and your obsession with weird illuminati things. The adventures and conspiracy theories and..."

Mabel was hiccuping at this point and close to bawling and if Dipper could move he would be crying too. Wirt tried to stand and comfort her but Mabel gestured for him to stop and continued to speak.

"I am so sorry Dipper!"

She was crying now and Dipper felt helpless.

What are you sorry for?! This is all my fault!

"I'm so sorry for being so so so selfish," she cried. "Especially this last summer, all I've ever been is—hic—being self centered. I ruined your chance with Wendy over a pig, I broke my promise of helping you for a puppet obsessed boy!hic— I made fun of-f you for your —hic— height and voice cracking and I've just been h-horrible and I am—hicso sorry!"

There's nothing to be sorry for! Dipper tried to say This is all my fault, please please stop crying Mabel!

Miraculously, it appeared as if Mabel heard him and soon enough she was relatively calm again and continued.

"I h-hope that you'll be able to forgive me for all the wrongs I've done and I... I know how you get Dipper, you got this stupid guilt complex so I..."

She looked at Wirt but it seemed to Dipper as if she was staring through his soul.

"I forgive you Dipper, even if I think you've done nothing wrong you'll never forgive yourself otherwise so... I forgive you and I hope you'll have the heart to do the same for me."

Mabel... I forgave you a long time ago...

But she was fading little by little and Wirt's voice could be heard warning her that he couldn't hold the spell for too long. Dipper wished he would shut up but the image of his crying sister was steadily fading. The last thing he saw was a watery smile mouthing the words 'I love you bro.'

Then she was gone.

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