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You feel a shiver of excitement.

This was new, unprecedented, and as far as you knew this has never happened before. The Judgement Hall flickered away and the next thing you knew you were back in Waterfall, in a corridor you have never seen.

You grin in anticipation, adjusting your hold on your favorite weapon. You stare at the new monster, W.D. Gaster, you take note his cracked skeletal face and horrifyingly empty eye sockets, and you feel...

Strange. Wrong. Off.

(Strange symbols began flashing in the space between us, a language I couldn't understand.)

(I feel afraid.)

Something was...

(Wha... who?)

(The smile on his cracked face widens.)

(I feel weak.)

Something doesn't feel right...

You suddenly can't remember how you got here.

An eternity passed and it was as if the monster was growing larger in your sight the weaker you get. The blackness in his eyes grew dark, darker, yet darker... The darkness keeps growing, the shadows cutting sharper, and you feel powerless.

Its eyes were like the Void; cold and black and endless and empty.

(Fear welled up inside me. Crippling and suffocating and overwhelming.)

(Mommy, Daddy help me! I'm sorry please please please I don't want to die!)

Your excitement was bubbling just beneath the surface, this monster is in a completely different level from anyone you've ever met.

*W h e r e  i s  y o u r  d e t e r m i n a t i o n  ?

Behind him, three giant goat-like skulls slowly came into view, similar to Sans' blasters and Asriel's timeline consuming weapon but it was so much more terrifying. The room flickered to the black and white of a monster fight.

You tried to FIGHT. Nothing happened.

(The smile is forever burned into my mind.)

*Y o u  w a n t  t o  b r i n g  t h i s  w o r l d  t o  a n  e n d .

You tried to ACT. You cannot speak.

*T o  b r i n g  i t  i n t o  t h e  V o i d .

You tried to scream. No sound came out.

*T e l l  m e  c h i l d ,  d o  y o u  t r u l y  w i s h   t o   j o i n  m e ?

You tried to flee. You cannot move.

*B u t  p e r h a p s  I  a m  a s k i n g  t h e  w r o n g  p e r s o n .

You called for help...

(... but nobody came.)

*D o   y o u ,   P l a y e r ,  w i s h  t o  b e  e r a s e d  f r o m  e x i s t e n c e  ?

You still in shock, this unsettling monster called you out. You decide enough was enough and tried to LOAD your file and RESET...

Nothing happened.

The monster filled the entirety of your screen. The lights flickered throughout your entire bedroom, the sound of static permeated from your laptop. 

*Y o u   c a n n o t   e s c a p e  r e s p o n s i b i l i t y   h u m a n .

You feel your heart racing and cold sweat slide down your back, goosebumps covering your arm. You cannot wrap your head around this.

*F o r   c r i m e s   c o m m i t t e d   a g a i n s t m o n s t e r k i n d   a n d   t h e   n e e d l e s s   t o r t u r e   a n d   s u b s e q u e n t   m u r d e r  o f   m y   s o n s .

You find that you cannot move out of sheer fear. You never thought that this simple game would glitch out like this just because you've done the Genocide Run entirely too many times.

*Y o u ,  P l a y e r ,  m u s t  j o i n  m e .

A skeletal hand phased out of your screen and you start to scream. You attempted to leave but you were held down to your chair by multiple skeletal hands.

*I  i n s i s t .

You kept screaming for help...

*B u t   n o b o d y   c a m e .

The hand enclosed around your neck and the last thing you saw was W.D. Gaster smiling down at you.

Hey RS here and I'm sorry for the long update but here's a new chapter!

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