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You walk the hall leading towards the throne room, the light from outside giving it a golden glow. You feel a smile on your face as you approach your opponent, your hand tightening around your knife in anticipation.

This will be the last round, you're sure of it. 

You are filled with determination.

*It's a beautiful day outside.

*Birds are singing, flowers are blooming...

*On days like these, kids like you...

Sans' left eye starts to flashes blue and yellow.

*S h o u l d   b e    b u r n i n g   i n    h e l l .

Your heart instantly turns blue and you feel yourself get slammed into the wall. You jump up automatically to avoid the bones that would jump up in a second. You've died through this part so many times that you've had the patterns memorised.

You smile in triumph, this would be the last battle, you're sure of it now. He's tiring and you still have more than half your HP left. Hell, you barely used any items this round and from the strain in his ever-present grin he knows he won't last long at all.

He calls for a break, giving you this speech about becoming friends. How stupid. Your smile grows wider as you move your soul to FIGHT heedless of the nagging voice of the other that yells at you to spare the skeleton.

He smiles in resignation and the FIGHT continues, you tense up in excitement despite yourself. He's talking about his special attack and you feel the end of the FIGHT nearing. You smile wider, already imagining the feeling of turning his bones to dust with your favourite knife.

*huff... puff...

The visible exhaustion on his face was amusing to see but you remain wary. You haven't reached this part yet and it would be incredibly annoying if you had to do the whole thing all over again.

*all right.

*that's it.

*its time for my special attack.

*are you ready?

*here goes nothing.

You prepare yourself for the special attack only to stare in confusion when nothing happens. It takes you a moment to understand the joke. The scream of frustration that left your mouth was almost unholy. The skeleton is laughing at you, you can feel it.

He thinks he's so funny with his stupid puns. Here goes nothing. HA HA HILARIOUS. If he thinks never ending his turn would be enough to stop you, he has another thing coming. You grit your teeth and began to relentlessly push your soul to the FIGHT option, slowly but surely, nearing your goal. 

You stand before him now, knife in hand and laughing like there's no tomorrow. You strike him once then you loaded your save and killed him again and again and again and again.

The look on his face as he realises what you're doing makes it all the more fun. He knows and he remembers how many times he has died to your hands now and you revel at the feeling of giving the skeleton a taste of his own medicine except this time there's nothing he can do about it.

Nothing at all.

You raise your hand to strike him one final time before you felt something stop you.

*t h a t  i s  q u i t e  e n o u g h . . . 

A monster you've never seen before blocks your path. 

W.D. Gaster stands in your way.

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