Chapter 4

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      Ever since (y/n) talked to me I told the team what happen between P.I.X.E.L. and I. They were very supportive of my feelings which made me relive to have people care about me even if I'm a nindroid that doesn't show emotion. Plus I got lucky to come out today because since I was still recharging my energy (y/n) volunteer to cook breakfast for all of us. And boy it was delicious since it the most yummiest pancakes, bacon & eggs I've ever tasted. Before (y/n) join the team she was always left alone at home so she taught herself how to cook & she always cook dinner for her parents as well. She became an expert of engineering at her high school and had a gift for helping Jay & Nya with their own crazy project that still need help on.

     "So how's it...It's my first time cooking for you guys" (y/n) ask now sitting down to eat her food.

    "And it won't be your last! This is the good stuff! We all thought it was over since Cole always tries to cook but somehow burns something, remember (n/n)" Jay said stuffing his face with pancakes time to time. "But we're all happy to have another grand cook as a friend and a ninja! Hey, maybe you should teach Cole how to cook an egg at least."

    "Hey Jay if you say one more bad thing about mev I'll tell Nya all the embarrassing things you say about her" Cole said smirking while looking at Jay who had wide eyes and was red as a tomato. Cole then smiles and looks at (y/n) lightly blushing. "It would be nice to at least learn how to cook egg...So will you please teach me."

    (y/n) just smiles at him. "Sure I'd love to teach you. I'll teach you how and if you do good I'll bake a cake just for you." Cole completely jumps at the thought of learning to cook. He came and wrap his arms around (y/n) who was shock but was glad to be praised.

   "Thank you (n/n)! I'll do my best" Cole said snuggling (y/n)'s dark (h/c) hair. Everyone was laughing at the sight of Cole being a weird idiot, (y/n) was slightly blushing and everyone was happy except me. I didn't like Cole touching (y/n) which made me feel weird because it was strange for me to be protective toward her. Why am I feeling like this?

    To see everyone happy made me slightly blush at the thought of it all. I felt eyes watching me to find Zane looking at me with his icy blue eyes just actually now staring at me. We stay like that for almost half a minute until Zane broke it when Sensei Wu came into the room to get the tea he requested me to make. He takes a cup and pours it into the cup then sips it.

   "You are a master at making good tea (y/n). If the tea shop was still open you would be my number one employe" Sensei Wu said smiling at me. I felt proud to be praise by sensei especially. 

     To see (y/n) so happy when she is around the others made me smile a bit at the thought of it all. (y/n) caught me smile and smiles back to me. She seems to be happy anywhere she goes and with those sparkling brown eyes filled with happiness everyday made me happy to see this all the time. I'm glad I've had people who can about me. Is this happiness?

Yesss it is Zane! If you got ideas for the next parts comments are needed for planing!
Until then...

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