Chapter 26

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    I could only feel pain seeing (Y/N) in a state like this. She was barely moving from her chains but she was alive at least with some help from Cole we were able to get her down from there into my arms again. (Ohh ROMANTIC) Looking over at her injuries they seem to be brutal to the point I'm worried that they might not heal. She looks at me as I do the same holding back my tears. Her once sparkling eyes were dull, I could only see fear and resentment in them.

   "It's me (N/n)...It's really me. I'm so sorry this happen to you" I whisper, as it was the only moment I could say anything trying to stay strong for the girl in front of me. (G/n) finally sees (Y/n) and begins to cry holding her tightly. "Now we don't have much ti-"

   "Why did you bring (G/n) back here" (Y/n) voice dropped with venom looking at me with an evil glint in her eyes. I thought I was the Master of Ice but she dropped the temperature quickly. "You shouldn't have brought her here again. I barely got her out fast enough but to bring her back...was a BIG mistake."

   "We should go (Y/n), and (G/n) came here by choice, she wanted to be here when we rescue you" Cole deafened stepping in. She stares at us for a moment before looking away in defeat. Cole, as much as I still hate you, I'll let it slide for now at least.

   Kai leads the way with his flame, Cole right after him then (y/n) holding (G/n) tightly and me in the back making sure nothing is following behind us. As we make our way back, it was quiet besides our footsteps and (G/n)'s breathing. (Y/n) had a slight limp that seem painful but she kept a strong face, moving through the hall. Once we got to the stairs (Y/n) went first then in order of how we came down. After Cole was out we fix up the place slightly the way we found it then made a move to the door but (Y/n) stops us.

   She opens the door to show a horrible sight of ghosts lurking around everywhere and guess who was freaked out the most, Cole. (Y/n) morphs into a deer and seems to be in pain doing so. Being the first outside, (G/n) was place on her back before running with us trailing behind with the ghosts on our tails. Instead of them coming after us, they seem to be after (g/n) and (Y/n) who leafs the three of us out of here. The edge of the border was in sight, that's when (Y/n) starts moving faster.

   "You guys made it" Jay shouts running our way as they go straight to us, not noticing (Y/n) and (G/n). In the corner of my eye I see (Y/n) drop to the ground in her human form with (G/n) worrying over her.


   "Okay we got (Y/n), now what" Nya said while the other ninja were in their own world, forcing (Y/n0 to be an outcast of the group. Zane felt something in his gut that something was very wrong. Then a scream surprises them all to see (Y/n) who was holding her neck and trying to pull something off of her.

   "I-It hurts! It's hurts so much..." (Y/n) whimpers out then stops and gives stiff. With her already dull eyes, no one could tell if she was alright of not.

   "N-Nina..." (G/n) said looking at her aunt in worry. Hearing a groan her fear was relived for the time being. (Y/n) moves around then touches her neck and found a collar around her. Taking a deep breath she gets up  and starts walking around passing the ninja with a cold aura. Then something white passes them and to (Y/n), it was the small wolf who helped them get there and even saved (G/n).

   "We better get back to the bounty before Morro returns back and finds out I'm missing or (G/n) came back" (Y/n) explains looking back at the ninja who could only feel the cold seeping out. The others soon follow after the wounded ninja with the nindroid once getting back. "I can do it myself Zane, I'm strong enough to do SOME things."

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