Chapter 21

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    "So...we're really doing this huh" Jay said as we were looking at the old close down dojo. We haven't been here since sensei Garmadon was still around and that just says a lot about the memories we had here which is very few. Lloyd held a sad expression probably remembering about his dad and I can't blame him for thinking about it after all my dad is missing.

     "Ok, whats the plan? We just can't walk in and be like 'Hi we're here to save (Y/n) now give her to us now.' So we have to get it straight now" Kai ask. Now we need to start thinking as to what's next on the list to do.

     "Well maybe we should have only the four of us go and then Nya & Lloyd would stay back in case for back up when a fight goes out. That the only thing I can think of, any other ideas you guys have" I recommend looking at them for any ideas they have but it seem to have none at all. "Ok we'll stick to that one ok"

     As we set the plan into motion the rest of us went down to act like we had just got there. Once we were more closer there wasn't anyone there at all which made me feel suspicious, shouldn't there be at least one person here waiting for us? Before I could say anything I block a ninja star from hitting me, turing around I to see a bunch of men coming toward us and with a smiley mask. ((MEDIA ⬆️)) There was around 20 to 30 people there coming towards us so we need to keep our guard up in case things go down. But they seem to have a strange mist as if they are floating in thin air.

    "So you finally met my buddies

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    "So you finally met my buddies. Did you come here without the family" a voice ask as we turn around the see a man in a unique mask which looks like it can from an anime. My sensor are saying the name Bleach comes to mind. I nod looking up at him as he nods back. "Good now guys why don't you leave us alone for now we have somethings we need to discuss a few things~"

    Whatever they were disappear into thin air or more like in a blink of an eye they were gone so you could say out of thin air. We all turn to look at the man again as he looks down at us and I have this wired feeling I've seen him before. Lloyd looks at me and nod agreeing with me there as the rest of them too. And for some reason we have a feeling that he is smiling at us through his mask.


   "We're here so where are the girls" Cole ask wanting get to the point to hurry and get the girl back to their families. The mysterious man just stood there and said nothing but they knew he was smiling underneath the mask. They didn't know his plan so they stop their ground in case of something happens.

   "Tell me Nindroid...Did you love her" the man suddenly ask making his way closer to them. As if he was skipping once he was getting closer thee was spring to his step as if he was playing a game. Not answering his question he soon ask again. "I'm asking you...Did you love her?"

  "Who are you talking about" Zane reply blanking not knowing who he was talking about. The man just sigh as if he gave up but then sudden was in front of Zane in an instant. One second he was a few meters away the next he was right in front of him.

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