Chapter 6

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   I watch as I was in the winter forest with (y/n) holding my hand. We were so happy, we had each other and I was finally able to be with the girl I really do love. Why would I ask for more but something change. One second I was with (y/n) holding hands and the next I was at wedding party (crazy ok just go along with me for now).

   "I'm so happy for you guys you both make such a cute couple I hope you children will be as cute as the two of you today" a women said. I look around to see a beautiful sight. Standing proud was (y/n) in a pure white dress with thin sleeves and the top was flowery like. She had her beautiful (h/c) neatly put back with strands of hair out off place and she had white flowers in her hair. This is them most beautifulest thing I've seen in my whole life.

   "Thank you so much for coming to the wedding I'm sure he would be happy rot hear than from you. Oh wait here he comes..." (y/n) said as a tall man with red hair came walking toward (y/n) and wrap his hand around her waist. "Honey they were saying we are cute together and hope our kids are like that."

   "Woah isn't that a bit too soon for thinking like that...Plus if we do have kids I already know who the godparents are. Ms sister and Zane right bro" the man said who was with (y/n) looking my way smiling. He then explains to me that if (y/n) ever gave birth to a kid I would be the godfather, plus I found out that (y/n) was so happy with this guy. Without showing being gloomy I smile at them and nod. 'I would like to be the godfather. So thank you so much for thinking of me as a candidate.'

   "Thank you so much Zane I thought you would say no because you know your circuits might be affected. You know how he is so persistent" (y/n) said as her and I had some alone time with each other. She looks over to me to catch me frowning then she took a deep breath. "Zane...listen I'm sorry about what happen to 'us' back then when we were with the others. But you should be happy I mean you were free from me, I use to cling to you all the time and now I'm with someone who likes my clinging ways...Maybe...if I was't clinging you wouldn't of push me away for a while...But no matte about the past but I should be thanking you. After that I found the man I really had feelings for and he is okay with my clinging ways. Plus be happy to I mean for me and you finally got P.I.X.E.L back in your life."

   What just happen...I had (y/n) with me in my life happy as can be but now I'm finding out why we were't together right now is because I push her away...And now she is happy in some else's arms, while I'm back with my ex-girlfriend. This isn't right, I should be the one with (y/n), the one to marry her and the only one to ever love her. But now I guess it's to late for second chances...(y/n) is married and I'll only be a friend and godfather. Not the life I could ever ask for...


   I almost fell to the floor when I wake up. It's eight in the morning and (y/n) should be awake by now so I dress up, clean myself and made my way to the kitchen where I find a (h/c) girl just reading a book while being half asleep. I walk up to her and ask if she was alright, while she told me she was ok and also told me to never scare her like that again. Thank goodness she is okay, and I need to confirm it. I have to tell (y/n) how I feel about her and I need to make her my own.

WORDS: 688

  Sorry if it's short I just got the idea last night for them all to have a dream about a pretend future and for them to confirm that they all will confess to you in the near future so bare with me people. I hope you like this part of the story so thank you. Until then Reader-kun...



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