Chapter 11- The AfterMath

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Once the ambulance came I'keem had a faint heartbeat, they took him and Kyle to Maces Hospital. When they seen Adam had major injuries he was air lifted to Georgia Hospital for children where he had to have emergency surgery, he suffer with a broken hip, broken finger, scars from the seat belt, abdominal surgery and where some of his intestines had to be repaired and two blood transfusion, no food for five days. Adam remain in the hospital for nine days.

When I was headed home which I was three hours away! All kind of things were going though my head, two babies which were at two different hospitals were fighting for their life, Kim which was Kyle oldest girls mother, call to inform me that Kyle was ok he had suffer minor injuries was evening taken to jail.

I didn't understand at first what was really going on, I received a call from Maces Hospital to advise me that they were air lifting I'keem to Levine Children's Hospital in Charlotte North Carolina. I'keem had suffer death treating injuries and it wasn't anything they could do at Maces.

I'keem still wasn't breathing and had been put on a ventilator basically in my terms life support. As I was driving in this hot sunny weather with sweat and tears rolling down my face. I wanted to run off the road and end my life! How could this be why me lord? How could I go on without my boys? As I stayed in touch with family and friends as I was on the road, I didn't know what to do first which my boys being in two different Hospitals.

I as was getting close I decided to go check on Adam because I was closer to him. There he was tears just rolled from my eyes to see him alive and breathing even though I know he was in pain had no clue were his brother and father was all I can think is thank God he's alive. I stay for maybe an hour then I was headed to NC to see my baby boy I'keem, as I was walking in to prepare myself for the worst, their he was all hooked up to every machine I could possibly think of looking peaceful like he was sleep. O sat in a chair by his bedside and just stare at him, tear rolling nonstop think why my baby? It Just keep playing in my mine when I dropped them off just a days before with their father remembering how him and Adam was fighting over the basketball.

"I'keem!" I said "can you hear me?" With him not moving just laying there, him not knowing he in the world. Doctors had already been talking to family and friends keeping them posted on the updates on I'keem. When the doctor spoke to me and a few of my family members privately, he advise me that I'keem only had a 10% chance of living on his own, he was brain dead, not breathing on his own, Eternal bleeding in his stomach, and still not alert. The doctor told me he will never be the same little boy that I had remember I had been raising for five years. The doctor gave me two options he said I could believe in God in knowing everything gone be alright! or I can leave him on the ventilator til his body eventually shuts down! I didn't know what to do at that point, I had been praying to God faith stronger then ever, to give me strength.

The next day when I woke up, really couldn't sleep tossing and turning mind going a thousand miles per hour. I went in to see I'keem just not knowing what to, me and Pam left to get clothing and something to eat to get a clear mind all awhile Adam still in the hospital not know what's going on, maybe feeling alone wondering why family/friends are surrounding him but not his parents. Once me and Pam got back and shower I was getting ready to leave to go see Adam who I haven't seen since I left the doctor stop me and told me not to leave. I wasn't a good idea o should stay. As I was putting my bags down he explain to me why he didn't want me to leave. I'keem had had a bad night and things wasn't looking up. As I pace back and fourth in the hallway praying to god that I make the right decision and I can live with the decision that I make without his father. Which was still in jail.

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