New start

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Carrie's POV

So after some movies and putting it off Lauren wouldn't let me procrastinate anymore. I finally mustered up the courage to message Alex back.

Carrielove: Hey Alex...

Alex's POV

I'm finally out of my bunk and out of the bus. Im hanging out with the band and some other friends. We are just chilling and drinking some beers. Im scrolling through my twitter news feed when I get a dm from Carrie.

Carrielove: Hey Alex. I'm just going to put this out there. I don't know if I can trust you. But I will forgive you. I don't want you to think you have to be my friend just because. I don't need sympathy especially from my hero. But if you truly want to I would like to be your friend, you still mean a lot to me. I'm sorry for not responding earlier. But you have Jack and Lauren to thank.

Wow, I cant believe she actually responded. I'm happy she did, now maybe we can start again. Let me answer her before she changes her mind.

Alexgaskgarth: Hey Carrie. I'm so glad you responded. I once again wanna say I'm truly sorry for what happened at the hotel. I do want to be your friend, I care about you more than you know. I will do anything to gain your trust again. I hope that we can hang out soon and catch up. Take care, talk to you soon xx

Now I should probably go thank Jack for all his help.

Jack POV

"Hey Jack, can I talk to you?" Alex was saying while he sat down next to me.

"Yea, whats up dude?" I wondered

"So Carrie responded to me today and I just wanted to say thank you for the help. It really means a lot to me. I appreciate you guys more then I give you credit for. " he thanked me

"No problem, Its what we are here for." I said patting his back and going back to drinking.

Carrie's POV

I woke up the next morning to a message from Alex. It feels nice feeling that someone actually cares. Especially when its your hero!

Alexgaskgarth: Hey Carrie. I'm so glad you responded. I once again wanna say I'm truly sorry for what happened at the hotel. I do want to be your friend, I care about you more than you know. I will do anything to gain your trust again. I hope that we can hang out soon and catch up. Take care, talk to you soon xx

So I'm not going to lie I fangirled a little when I read that he wanted to hang out. But then again when I'm around him it just feel normal. Like I'm hanging out with my best friend.

Carrielove: Good Morning Alex. I would love to hang out and catch up. Just let me know when you can(: xx

I sent him the message then went to go cook me and Lauren some breakfast. I played my All Time Low play list and got to work.

Lauren's POV

I turned to my side and tried opening my eyes. It took me a second to adjust my eyes to the light. I looked at the time, it was 10 ugh. I turned to my other side to wake up Carrie when I noticed she wasn't there. I then decided I should get up and look for her. I stretched my entire entire body then rolled out of bed. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my reflection. Eh I could look better but I guess putting my hair up will do.

I made my way downstairs and heard All Time Low blasting from the kitchen. I found her haha. I decided to creep up on her. I turned the corner slowly and saw her dancing around while she was mixing the pancake batter. I took my cellphone out and started filming her. After a bit of filming her I decided to scare her like the good friend I am.

"BOO!" I screamed while jumping into the kitchen.

"Shit!" was all that came out of her mouth before she spilled the pancake mix all over her.

"HAHA, you should of seen your face!" I said between laughs then it hit me

Carrie's POV

While she was doubled over in laughing took my revenge and dumped some flour all over her.

"Who is laughing now?" I said as I walked to the sink. Then I felt something hit my back. When I turned around Lauren was throwing strawberries at me. I turned back to the sink grabbed the the hose, pulled it out and pointed it her way.

"You know you suck right?" she said giving up.

"Yea I know." I said turning the water off as we began to clean up.

After an hour of cooking and cleaning we were finally done with breakfast and decided to take showers and go do some shopping.

Alex's POV

I woke up this morning to a message from Carrie but before I could respond I was notified that we had a signing at the mall. So I quickly got up and showered. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and my favorite AWG jumper. I walk out to the living room to find the other guys and our manager all ready to go.

"Morning guys" I said walking in

"Morning" they all responded as we headed out the door while Jack handed me a mug of coffee. He knows me so well and that's why hes my best friend!

Carrie's POV

We got to the mall and headed straight to Hot Topic. Me and Lauren were in need of some new band merch. Also lets face it Hot Topic is perfect. We were turning the familiar corner of the mall when we were stopped by a crowd of people surrounded the store. The was a bunch of screaming and crying girls. Me and Lauren were curious to what was going on.

"Hey, whats going on?" I said tapping on someones shoulder.

"All Time Low is doing a signing. But you are too late I got the last wrist band." She said rudely.

I didn't even worry about it. Little did she know I already knew them. But I didn't want to bother them while they were working so I was going to try to slip into the store without them noticing me. The line wasn't that long so we decided to wait and hopefully they let us into the store when we got up there. After 40 minutes of waiting and hearing screaming girls we finally got the the front of the store. The guys were saying their final goodbyes to the fans as the security guards were getting ready to escort the band out. Right before they left Alex noticed me walking into the store.

"Carrie is that you?" Alex yelled in my direction.

A/N Hey guys here's the new chapter hope you enjoy. Please don't forget to comment and vote. Also it would mean a lot if you guys would share this story with your friends. Thanks for reading xx

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