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Jack's POV

"Hey Alex can we talk?" I said trying not to scare him. He quickly hid his phone.

"Fuck man don't just sneak up on me like that." he said slightly annoyed.

Alex's POV 

I was on my phone when Jack scared me.

"Sorry dude I just wanted to talk to you about something." he said apologizing

"Its fine, whats up?" I ask wanting to get this over with.

"What happened yesterday with Carrie?" he asked. I froze. Why would he ask about that. Yesterday after Carrie disappeared I told the guys everything was great.

"What do you mean, I told you everything was fine." I tried lying but if there is anyone that knows me better than myself its Jack.

'Dude Lauren messaged me saying that something happened and she hasn't talked to Carrie since." I started to get nervous. But just when I was about to say something Jack's phone started ringing and when he answered it was Lauren. I took the phone and frantically started to ask her questions.

"When was the exact time you last spoke to her. Do you think she is okay?  Have you checked in on her?..." I was cut off

"Alex slow down. Okay so the last time I saw her was when I dropped her off after what ever happened between you guys yesterday. I'm sure she is okay but I'm going to go check on her now." she answered

"Nothing happened, she just disappeared while we were getting lunch. I wanna be there when you check in on her so can you text jack the address and we will meet you there." I asked. She agreed and hung up and we were off to Carrie's house.

Carrie's POV 

I couldn't stand being home anymore so I put on a pair of shorts, my Pierce The Veil hoodie and some vans, grab my IPod and went for a walk. Before I knew it I found myself walking to a secret spot in the woods my dad had showed me before. I almost forgot about it, I use to always come here when I wanted to get away from the world. No one knows about this place not even Lauren...

After walking for a bit I realized I got distracted and I had no idea where i was going and its starting to get dark out. I start panicking a little realizing I don't have my phone. I start running in one direction and it started looking familiar again. I start seeing the clearing for my spot when all of a suddenly my foot got stuck in something and I trip. I cant get my foot out of whatever its stuck in and it hurts like a bitch. I think It might be broken. I start to scream out for help but I know no one was going to hear me. Just my luck.

Lauren's POV 

I get to Carrie's house and I'm waiting for Alex and the rest of the guys to show up. Thankfully I don't have to wait long. Alex rushes to my side panicked. 

"Hey calm down she is probably okay." I say trying to calm him down.

"You're right can we just go inside and check on her?" he asked desperately

"Yea of course come on." I said leading them all to the door. I get the house key out of my pocket and unlock the door. We each go in our own directions screaming out her name. We don't get any answers. I go straight for her room and see her phone on the floor. When I pick it up the screen is all smashed up. I unlock the phone which I'm surprised still works. But when I see the bits I can read on the screen I understand why she tossed her phone. 

"Guys up here" I yell from her room they all come rushing up. I give Alex the phone.

"You might wanna see this.." I say handing him the phone.

Alex's POV 

Lauren handed me the shattered phone and my heart started racing a bit. Then I saw what was on her phone. It was hate from our Hustlers. How could they say things like that to her, she doesn't deserve it. No wonder she ran away yesterday. Now we really need to find her.

"Okay Lauren where are he favorite places to go when she is upset?" I asked rushed

"Umm.. To the beach, around the woods and to a little cafe downtown." she said trying to remember 

"Okay so here is what we are going to do, Lauren you will go with Jack to the cafe. Rian you and I will check the beach and Zack.."

"Yeah I know. I got the woods." he said laughing

"Alright guys lets find her." I said as we spread out.

Carrie's POV

I've been laying her for what seems like forever. My iPod died a while ago so I don't even have music to keep my company just when I'm giving up hope I start hearing some noises. Beyond my better judgment not knowing what could be out there I start screaming for help again. Whatever is out there is getting closer but my voice is starting to go. I'm starting to get really dizzy and my vision is getting blurry. The last thing I heard was "You're safe now." as what seemed like muscular man got my foot free and started carrying me away. With that I blacked out. 

Zack's POV 

I was walking around starting to lose hope. I was coming into a clearing when I started hearing some noise. I went into the direction in which i thought the noise was coming from and it became clearer. It was screaming and it sounded like Carrie. I started running till I saw her on the ground with her foot stuck in between some tree roots. I told her she was safe and got her foot free. I picked her up and she blacked out. I rushed back to the house and went straight to the car. I lied her down in the backseat carefully and rushed to the hospital. I called Alex on my way.

Alex's POV 

I was searching like crazy with Rian at the beach. I was beginning to lose hope and everyone kept looking at us like we were crazy because we were screaming out her name. Then out of nowhere Rain gets a call and says its Zack.

"Hello?" I hear Rian said. He waited to hear what Zack said. I was getting inpatient.

"You found her, that's great!' he started saying I started to feel relived then he kept going. "Oh.. Okay we will meet you there. I'll call Jack.." Oh no that doesn't sound good.

"What did he say? He found her right?!" I asked really nervous.

"Yeah but she blacked out when he picked her up and she might have broken her foot. They are on the way to the hospital." he said and I was just in shock. 

"She is in good hands Alex, Zack will take care of her. Lets get going." he said as he started pulling me to the car. He called Jack and we were on our way.

A/N Here's another chapter. I feel like no one is reading though so I don't know if I'm going to keep writing unless I see some feedback. I know it sounds bad but I don't want to write if no one is actually reading. If you are reading please, vote, comment and share. It means a lot! 

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