The Beast Inside

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Beast Boy tapped his foot rapidly. He wanted to get to Raven ASAP. To him the T-Ship wasn't moving fast enough. He let out several annoyed sighs and groans

"Calm down" Robin said from the front

"Don't even" Beast Boy growled.

"Don't worry friend! We will see friend Raven soon!" Starfire said from his side. Beast Boy sighed and nodded, it was no use trying to be mad at Starfire, she was too nice.

"BB were getting close" Cyborg said from the back.

"Good" Beast Boy nodded.

Raven sat there crying. She was in a long black dress, her hair was tied back, and her skin was a shade paler. She sat in the middle of the room, curled up in a tight ball. She felt too many emotions hitting her at once, she eventually quieted herself and sat there numb, not paying attention to the world around her.

She had walked around earlier trying to find the dungeon where Beast Boy was locked up at, but she kept getting lost. Aaron would walk by her and ask her what she was doing, she would lie and say that she was exploring the castle. She shook her head angrily, why must this happen? Why cant she just be happy with Beast Boy? She wanted him more than anything in the world, she wanted him to be safe and happy. She stood up and readied herself, the long night alone had made her numb, weak, and unstable.

Aaron came to her door

"Ready?" He asked cheerfully.

"Yeah" Raven said flatly and followed him out of her room. He looped his arm under hers and led her upstairs to a chapel, the room was lit with candles, colored glass lined the walls, making creepy shadows. Raven closed her eyes and wished that nightmare about her father would come true. Anything to get her out of this situation, she welcomed it.

He led her up the long isle and to the stand. He turned towards her and held out a small diamond ring, Raven decided to stall, she raised an eyebrow

"That's it?" She said turning her nose up at the small diamond.

"What?" Aaron asked confused.

"You said I'd be treated like a queen, I don't think queens have small diamonds" Raven said and crossed her arms. Aaron smiled

"I told you you'd warm up" And with that he hurried away out of the chapel to get a new ring. Raven let out a long sigh of relief and leaned against a pew. She closed her eyes and hoped she would wake up from another nightmare.

Beast Boy hopped out of the T-Ship and landed roughly. He stood up straight and turned into a wolf, immediately looking for a scent of Raven. He picked it up and ran after it.

"Hey!" Robin said running after him. The team followed him the best they could, they came up on a huge castle. Beast Boy didn't slow down he ran straight for the doors and turned into a rhino, knocking them down with a loud thud. He walked in and turned into a blood hound. He began following Raven's scent again.

The trail led them to an empty room, he smelled that she had been crying. He growled and turned to follow the most recent scent of her

"Hey! Will you calm down! We need a plan Beast Boy" Robin said blocking his way. Beast Boy growled and took a step towards him. Robin moved reluctantly. Beast Boy ran on, following Raven's scent. He led them to a chapel, he saw Raven standing there, looking off into space. He turned back into his normal self and ran straight for her

"RAE!" He cried happily and scooped her up into his arms. Raven gasped and struggled a bit, she stopped when she realized it was Beast Boy.

"How did you escape Gar?" Raven asked cupping his face.

"Escape? What are you talking about?" Beast Boy asked looking down at her.

"Aaron showed me an image of you in a dungeon bleeding and almost dead. He said if I didn't marry him he would kill you" She said looking just as confused. Beast Boy growled and looked around

"He lied Rae, where is he?" He said and pulled her in closer.

"Right here" Aaron said. He stood beside the other members of the team. They stood their with blank expressions on their faces. He walked up to Beast Boy and sneered

"Get your filthy hands off my bride"

"Make me" Beast Boy growled and shoved Raven behind him.

"You filthy mutt" Aaron said and sent Beast Boy flying. Raven gasped and caught him mid air, her powers were back now that she was reunited with Beast Boy. She set him down and turned her attention to Aaron

"You lied to me" She said coldly. Her eyes went black and she sent him flying back into the colored glass. Beast Boy turned into a lion and pounced on Aaron just as he landed. Raven made her way over to her friends and tried to snap them out of their trance. She tried using magic but Aaron's was to strong. She groaned and looked back to the fight he and Beast Boy were locked in.

Beast Boy bit down hard into Aaron's left shoulder. He shrieked with pain and kicked Beast Boy hard in the ribs, this sent him flying into a row of pews. He shook himself and got back up, he turned back into his normal self and ran at him. He got right up onto Aaron and punched him just as hard as he could

"Raven is mine" Beast Boy growled and stumbled back. He gripped his head and fought the animal that he had been keeping locked away deep inside of him. He groaned in pain and tried to fight it, but instinct was too strong, the need to protect Raven was to strong.

He hot the floor and felt himself changing into the Beast that unleashed itself when he was exposed to radioactive goop. He snarled and thrashed around until the change was complete. He stood up and towered over Aaron

"Uh oh.." Aaron mumbled and turned to run, but it was far too late. Beast Boy knocked him to the side and jumped up on top of him. He punched him over and over, he crawled off and lifted Aaron high into the air. Beast Boy threw him down hard into the stone floor, Aaron let out a wail of pain.  Beast Boy began pounding him relentlessly deeper into the concrete floor.

Raven shuddered and slowly walked over to Beast Boy

"Gar.." She said and gently touched him. Beast Boy turned and looked at her, his eyes were dark with rage. Raven leaned up and lightly kissed him, she felt him changing beneath her lips. Beast Boy grunted and leaned against her, Raven smiled and pulled back to look at him

"I love you" She said.

"I love you to" Beast Boy smiled and regained his balance. He picked her up and held her close, he tried not to squeeze her too tightly but his crying made it hard. Raven bit her lip and looked down at him

"Garfield, why are you crying?" She asked.

"I thought I had lost you for good this time" Beast Boy said. He squeezed her to him and kissed her forehead. After several minutes of soothing Raven wiggled herself out of his grasp and went to go check on the others. They stood there with blank expressions still

"Azeroth Metrion Zynthos" Raven said and snapped her fingers. They all blinked slowly and looked around confused

"What happened?" Robin mumbled and rubbed his head.

"We got Raven back" Beast Boy said and gripped her tightly.

"We did? Good" Robin said and sat down.

It took awhile, but the team eventually loaded up into the T-Ship and made their way back to Paris. After stumbling inside, they all crawled into bed. Beast Boy cuddled up to Raven, he held her close, extremely close.

"Garfield?" Raven asked, getting comfy.

"Yeah?" Beast Boy said and kissed her forehead.

"Are you ok?" She asked looking up at him.

"I'm much batter now that I have you back" He smiled down at her. Raven smiled and wrapped her arms tightly around him, they both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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