C h a p t e r 45 ✂

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(Recap of the last chapter:)

(Sans' POV)

"(Y/N). I think you are ready." My smile wavers a little before I fixed with a new-found pride. "How 'bout Learning how to make yourself float and teleportation?"

(Y/N)'s over-excitement was seen in her beautiful (E/C) eyes. This made me smile. She stood and readied her for her lesson.

"Ok, (Y/N)! Lets start with levitation. You already know that summoning the magic from your soul will give you the power to lift and throw objects, so lets try it on me first, to warm up your magic."

I silently chuckled at the fact that (Y/N) was going to carry me with her magic. Welp, Lets get this going...

(Y/N) Starts to focus and her eye flickers and starts to glow with (S/C) magic. She has gotten better with practice, and I was proud of her. I somehow felt... different. Like I was falling in love all over again with her... But she is already dating Gaster!Sans...

I sigh as she gracefully extended her hand in my direction, (S/C) flames dancing around her fingers. She Encircled me with her magic and took a deep breath. She started to move her hand up. I pulled my legs off the ground, completely trusting her. I lifted my knees close to my chest, I was now levitating a good foot off the ground.

(Y/N) grinned as she held me in her magic and she walked up to me, keeping me pinned to the air. I chuckled. "Heh. Can't believe you kept me suspended for this long, me being 'big-boned' and all." I chuckled and her smile widened slightly.

"Ok, Sans. I think I'm ready." She lowered me gently to the ground and my slippers touch the ground, the magic around me dispersing into thin air. I smiled at her and gave her a thumps up. Her excitement couldn't get anymore genuine.

"Ok, (Y/N). As a beginner, the trick is to stay calm in any situation, or things can go out of hand. I, of course, am used to magic, so I know what to do in any situation. Summon your power and imagine how high you want to go, imagine floating." A blue aura surrounded me and dispersed I started floating an inch from the ground. I then let the aura return and I dropped once more to the snow. "Your turn."

Filled with DETERMINATION, (Y/N) Allowed (S/C) light to lightly cover her. It dissipated an she floated a centimeter before the aura returned and she dropped gracefully to the floor. A drop of sweat formed on her brow.

"Oh, it is ok. You are still trying. Rest a little and we will get back to that-"

"No. What if something happens? I need to be ready!"

I understood her concern. If she wants to keep training, so be it. I gave her a slight nod and she nodded back. She allowed the aura to return and disappear. This time, she was more ready and she floated almost a foot from the snow before she stopped in mid-air. She smiled.

"Good! You got it!" I joined her in the air and 'reclined' on oxygen. I closed my eyes as (Y/N) giggled and I head feet crunch back down on the floor.

"Ok, Sans, I am up for some rest. Care to join me?" I felt her tug my jacket and I allowed my magic to stop, myself landing in a thud on the snow.

"Well, I'm goin' to Grilby's. You better catch up!" I hear her running towards Hotland. But I have a few tricks up my sleave. I teleported there and texted her. 'What is taking you so long?'

Love Me Instead [Sans VS Gaster!Sans X Reader] Part 2 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now