C h a p t e r 61 ✂

464 36 15

(One more chapter after this! SOOOO SORRY... Also, I must warn you, This is going to be a VERY EMOTIONAL chapter! Enjoy!)


"I have made my decision."

Ink frowned slightly, "You wish to make a True Reset? If you agree fully, there is a strong chance you won't survive, for you are a glitch..."

I nod slightly. "No matter the cost, I wish to fix my mistakes."


(Your POV)

My mind lay screaming at me; asking why... Why did I choose to reset...

Heh... For them.

I fall to my knees, thoughts swirling around my brain.

Both Sans' weakly stumble to my side. I smile as I feel tears stream slowly down my cheeks.

"(Y-Y/N)... Why...?"

I look up to Sans. "I'm doing this so you don't have to live in pain."

Gaster!Sans spoke up. "But (Y/N)-"

"No," I start. "Sans and I share a soul... It won't be good for you to fuse."

I start to sense the sorrow in both of their emotions. It made me sad myself...

I stair at the Reset button that float peacefully above my hands. I contemplate in when I should push it. Instead, I set it down next to me and put a hand over my chest, summoning my own soul to appear.

I get up on one knee and look at it solemnly, looking at the (S/C) and blue that made it up.

I stand and turn toward Error. "The reset will fix this, correct?"

He stumbled back from the sudden communication. "qUIte UnUSuAl... bUT yeS, iT ShoULD..."

I nod my thanks and return my soul to my chest. I walk toward Ink, Who had a sad look written on his skull.

I whisper something to him and he nods sadly.

I turn back to the Sans' and kneel back down, suddenly engulfed in a large hug by the two of them.

More tears fall as I return the hug.

I let go and return my attention to the reset button. I hover my hand above it.

"I love you all as the family I never had. Sans, I know Papyrus won't remember any of this, but do tell him that there was once someone who adored him for the person he was. Tell him to keep believing in himself."

Sans sadly nodded.

"And Gaster!Sans, Make sure that you stay the person you are. Stay kind to everyone and do what you have to do to make others happy. Also, smoking is bad. Stop it." I giggle.

Gaster!Sans' sad expression changed for a second.

"Please make sure Gaster and Gaster!Paps remembers me as well, would ya?"

"Yes, I'll remind them every day." He smiles.

I turn to Ink. "Hey, Tell Swap!Paps that I'll have his back."

Ink nods and walks up to me with Error at his side.

"We'll all miss ya, (Y/N)..." Ink puts a hand on my shoulder.

"yUP, iT'S bEen fUn TryINg tO kIll yA!" He chuckled.

I put I double-gun-fingers. "EYYY! It's been fun avoiding ya!"

The Anti-Void is soon filled with laughter.

I sigh. "But seriously though. Keep the good memories. I... I'll miss ya..."

I get another large hug from the whole crowd, even from Error.

I smile one last time and I softly press the button as it vanishes under my touch, taking everyone in the void with it.


I... I'm finally as peace~


(Welp, sorry for that... But I have ONE more chapter for ya! Everything will kinda be explained and finished in the next chapter. Sorry for making ya cry; 'cuz I DEFIANTLY did! Well, See ya soon, my fruits!)

Love Me Instead [Sans VS Gaster!Sans X Reader] Part 2 (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now