You're my sweet stuff

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    A/N: Thank you so much @KuroMagi for suggesting this title. You're amazing! Now read on:

A shrill sound rang out through the apartment, effectively waking Nico from his nap. He groaned as he groped around, searching for his phone.  Once he felt the cool metal in his palm he brought it up to his face, wincing at the bright light emanating from the device.
         Barely acknowledging the caller I.D he pressed accept, mumbling a grumpy "What" into it.
        "Hey sleepy head, I'm at the store right now. Do you need anything," Leo asked.
         "Ah. I don't thin-Oh wait! Oreos. Chocolate ones, please." Nico sat up. He could hear Leo laughing at him on the other end.
       "Anything else? Do we have milk?"
        "No and how should I know?"
        "You're at home. Go check."
         Nico groaned and flopped back on the bed. "But that's so far away!"
        "Fine," Leo sighed. "I'll pick up some extra." The line clicked off.
         Nico grinned, before rolling over and curling up underneath the covers. He once again awoke when he heard ruffling bags and keys jingling. Rolling out of bed he went to help Leo with groceries, mostly to get his Oreos.
         "Ah. Look who's awake," Leo said grinning before putting the bags on the table. Nico rolled his eyes and began rummaging for his cookies.
          He made a noise, that was definitely not a whine, when he found his cookies with 'filled cupcake' clearly written in the package.
          "What's this," he asked. Turning to face Leo who was putting stuff up in the cabinet.
           "Oh. They didn't have chocolate so I bought you the next best thing," Leo explained turning around.
         Sighing, Nico opened the pack and tried one. He immediately regretted it when he found whatever in the cookie was way  to sweet. Sensing his displeasure Leo came over and took the cookie away from his pouting boyfriend.
       Opening the cookie he saw a blob of white in the middle of the chocolate icing. Licking it Leo hummed, "I like it," before placing it on the counter and resumed putting the food away.
       "I don't so in going to ask Percy to bring me some before he and Annabeth come over tomorrow."
An hour later Nico hears Leo coming towards the living room. As an immediate reaction he moves over to make room for the older man.
"What took you so long," he asked as Leo plopped down onto the couch.
"Here," he shoved a bowl filled with the cupcake Oreos into his hands. "I've made an improvement." Nico eyed the cookies wearily as he picked one up. Opening one he couldn't help but laugh. Leo had scooped out the white frosting to turn the cookie into a chocolate Oreo.
"Your a total dork," he laughed before leaning over to kiss him. "And you taste like Oreo."

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