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"I don't want to go," I state, crossing my arms and resting my feet on the dashboard as my mom drives me to the airport. Spending a summer with my father, a man who ruined my family, is the worst idea ever imaginable.

"I know that. That's the point," my mom retaliates, my eyes rolling.

She stops in front of the airport and I take a look around, my mom getting out of the car. I sigh and step out, grabbing my bag from my mom's hand.

"Have a good time Claire. He's still your father," she says, my jaw clenching.

"Yeah, my father who fucked up our family," I state, her lips frowning. She's given up trying to yell at my swearing, but I know it frustrates her.

"Just try. Please," she says, my eyes rolling.

"You know what, your attitude is the main reason you're going. If you want to come home, you buy your own ticket because I'm sick of this," she says, my hand running through my hair.

"Bye mom," I say, turning and walking into the airport. I go through customs and listen to music before and during the flight, my head resting on the window during the flight.

I get off the plane and wait at baggage claim, grabbing my bag and walking outside. The first thing I do is grab a cigarette out of my bag and light it, smoking it to calm my muscles.

"Claire Bear?" I hear from behind me, my head turning. My father, greying hair and beard now on his face, stands there and I puff out the smoke I inhaled seconds before.

"It's Claire," I state, his jaw dropping.

"I-I just can't believe how much you've changed," he says, looking me over. I'm wearing a crop top, high-waisted shorts that show off my ass, and Converse.

"It's been ten years. Need to get used to it," I say, walking beside him as he leads me to his car.

"I've, uh, missed you," he says, my eyes rolling.

"Okay," I sarcastically reply, his hand grabbing my arm.

"I have. You're my only child and being away from you has been torture," he says, my hand throwing the cigarette onto the concrete.

"Torture is watching your dad fuck around with another woman," I say, leaving him speechless and I get into his car.

He gets in and the ride to his house is silent, my hands playing on my phone to distract myself from the man who ruined our family.

He steers the car into the driveway of his new beach house, though it's in the same place as our old house. It's renovated to the max and puts our old neighbors' house to shame.

"I'll get your bags. I, uh, hope you like your room," he says, my body climbing out of the car.

I follow him as he carries the bags and I sigh when pink painted walls come into view.

"I hate pink," I say, his head only nodding.

"I figured. We can get new paint. Just...I'm glad you're here, Claire," he says, my eyes rolling.

"Just give me a chance to show you I'm sorry what I put you through," he pleads, my exhale loud as I try to adjust to what my life will be for the next three months.


Hey Loves!

So updates will be slow on this story due to my busy schedule. I do have a concussion at the moment too so looking at a computer screen for too long is a killer! :(


Love you all!!! <3 xoxo

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