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"You really don't understand how much I don't want to be here," I say, my father insisting I go to the country club for dinner with him. If he's the same way as when I was young, he'll just be checking out the women there.

"Well, I'm trying to be your father. I haven't had the chance to be with you in years," he says, my eyes only rolling. I grab a cigarette and walk to the pier, my body sitting down. I start to smoke and I hear laughing from the water. Boys are surfing and I just relax, trying to fight the irritation I have.

"Hey, you know this is private property?" I hear someone call behind me, my body turning to look up.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want," I say, his brown hair curled and down to his shoulders. He sets his surfboard down and walks closer.

"Well, I hate to break it to you but this is John's land. You might want to talk to him first before you smoke on his pier," he says, my body getting up to confront him. Our eyes lock and I see something flash in his eyes, his jaw dropping.

"Claire Bear?" he says, my eyes taking in the tall man in front of me. There is no way our old neighbors still live in that house. No way that the man in front of me was one of my friends through my childhood.

"Harry Styles," I say, his lips curving into a smile.

"I-I had no idea you came home. I would have met up with you if I did," he says, my fingers bringing the cigarette up to my lips. I try to hide the clear shock I have from not recognizing Harry, because he has grown up to be extremely attractive.

"I don't want to be here," I state, his body sitting down. He signals for me to and I do, puffing out smoke as I do.

"You've changed," he says, my eyes rolling.

"What else is new, Tarzan?" I sarcastically reply, his lips curving into a smirk.

"Feisty. I like it," he grins, my hand shoving his shoulder.

"You got a boyfriend, Claire Bear?" he asks, my lips releasing a sigh.

"It's just Claire. And no. I don't do boyfriends," I tell him, his eyebrows frowning.

"Then what the hell do you do? Wait..." he pauses, my eyes glancing to look over at him.

"Are you...Are you lesbian?" he asks quietly, as if I hold a huge secret.

"Hell no. I fuck and get it over with," I say, his lips forming an 'o'. Then he's silent and I grow irritated.

"I'm leaving. Don't need your judgment," I state, his hand grabbing mine after I release the cigarette.

"I'm not...judging you. I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that you're here and completely different from the last time I saw you," he says, my jaw clenching.

"I'm the same person. Reality slapped me in the face," I state, his arm tugging me closer to him.

"And I want to get to know you again, Claire Bear. I can't tell you how much it sucked watching your mom take you away from here. Take you away from me," he says, my eyebrows frowning.

"You were my best friend. I had no one," he says, my eyes looking into his. I bite my lower lip, trying to figure out what it is now that I'm feeling. He's so fuckable and screams potential.

"Yeah, well my family was destroyed," I say, his hand coming up to my cheek while he holds the other one. A weird feeling is discovered and I pull away, standing up.

"I've got to go," I say, walking away.

"I still want to be friends," I hear him call, my head turning. I catch him checking out my ass and I smirk, knowing he's affected by me the same way I'm affected by him.

"We'll see about that, Tarzan," I say, hearing him laugh. I walk into the house and up to my room, changing into a sundress that shows off my cleavage. I walk downstairs and see my dad is pleasantly surprised upon my decision.

He drives us to the country club and I immediately order a strawberry daiquiri. If I'm going to survive a night with my father, I need to start drinking now.

Then I start hearing rowdy laughs and men talking loudly, my head turning to see multiple men in their twenties walking in. Harry is amongst them and I look away once we make eye contact.

"Hey, I'll be right back," I overhear him say, my feet walking away but I feel him grab my arm.

"You alright?" he asks, my eyebrow lifting.

"I'm here with my father, who cheated on my mom and ruined our family. You think I'm alright?" I ask, his hand moving to grab mine.

"You can come with me. I was gonna ditch this early anyway," he explains, my lips releasing a sigh.

"What are you doing?" I ask, his hand running through my hair.

"It's a meeting for the surfers," he explains, my interest growing. I didn't know he surfed that much aside from for fun.

"You surf?" I ask, his head nodding. He smiles and I just watch, his green eyes becoming a sight I like to look at. He really is good looking.

"I'm a professional. Get paid the big bucks," he grins, my hand still held in his.

"Then why the hell do you still live with your mom?" I ask, smirking. He just chuckles and shakes his head.

"Bought the house from her. Wanted to stay on the beach. She moved a year ago," he explains, my head nodding.

"Which means I can take you back there if you hate your dad that much," he says, surely feeling proud of himself. I just shake my head.

"I don't know. The pink bedroom he set up for me is a winner," I say, making him laugh. I smile and he moves closer to me.

"I'm sure my bed is more comfortable than yours," he smirks, my eyes rolling, but I can't seem to find it in me to wipe the smile off my face.


Hey Loves!


Much Love!! <3 xoxo

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