Camp Counselor

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I walk into the tiny cabin and sigh. It's co-ed but that wasn't such a big deal for me. It's not like boys are crawling with diseases or anything which is what they're sometimes made out to be. I set my bag on my bed and pull out a blanket and unravel my sleeping bag, setting up my bed for the night already.
Whenever we go camping, I always set up my bed first because I practically revolve around sleep. If I don't know that at any part of the day I can't just go to sleep, than I already would rather be anywhere else.

That's why parties and social events aren't my strong suit.

The cabin door opens, startling everyone in the cabin and we look over from whatever we're doing to see an older guy probably around twenty walk in. "Hello, you guys must be my group. I'm Calum, your counselor." He smiles, looking around at all of us. "So how are you guys liking it so far?" He asks and I shrug. "It's wet." Some girl says and he chuckles.
"Well, It's called rain." He says sarcastically.
Everyone laughs. "I think you're all going to like it very much." He says and I continue what I'm working on, folding over a corner of my sleeping bag and plopping my pillow down only to sit down and pull out my phone. "That was fast." I hear and look up to see Calum. "Yeah well, I thought it might be smart just to make my bed and get it over with." I say and he nods.

"Where are you from?" He asks and I smile.
"Columbia City. It's about an hour and a half from here." I say and he nods. "I think I've been there before." He nods. "I'm from Melbourne." He smiles and I nod. "So how old are you?" He asks and I close my phone.
"I just turned eighteen in June. How about you?" I ask and he nods. "I'm twenty. Just turned it in January." He says and I nod. "Awesome." I say and he nods. "Yeah kinda. In one year I'll be able to drink in the states." He says and I chuckle. "Yup."
We hear a loud bell and Calum stands. "Ready for lunch?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah I guess I am kind of hungry." I say and he nods and leads us towards the building, it's small and not very tall but it's open and I am seated at a table with my group and Calum sits beside me. We eat quickly and then have to play a team building game called, "Sharks and Mino's,"
In case you didn't already grow up playing this game, it's basically set up where there's one person facing everyone else and the person is a shark and has to eat (tag) as many people as possible. By yelling "feeding time," the mino's have to run across the street or field or wherever they're playing faster than the shark can tag them so that they don't get eaten.
The last player standing wins.

And of course the tension between Calum and I is oddly nearly visible, it's so bad. He'll lick his plump lips and suck in a deep breath, pushing back his wet curls so that they don't stick to his forehead.

I quickly look away when he notices my gawking and I find him starring at me a few times in return and just simply giggle but damn I can just imagine how good of a fuck he would be. His tan skin, a perfect contrast to his arm tattoos and his hair totally perfect for grabbing and I can just imagine exactly what's under that shirt.

But I no longer need to because there he goes, pulling his yellow camp shirt up and over his head and tossing it. "Feeding time." The girl in the middle calls and Calum and I thankfully make it a cross with a few other survivors.
The game ends soon and I end up winning thank god. We walk back to our cabins to have "Recreation time." and I pull out my book and begin to read and I feel someone sit on my bed in front of me and look up to see Calum.
Everyone else has left to go play Volleyball or go eat or something but here Calum and I sit, facing each other. "You couldn't even try to make the starring subtle?" He asks and I laugh and throw my book down.

"Are you kidding me. You took your damn shirt off." I practically yell and he laughs. "I guess I just couldn't believe how beautiful you are." He says and I giggle and pull my hair back behind my ears.

"And cute, fuck."
I laugh more and he does too.
"You're not too bad yourself."
"That's not what your eyes were saying," he says and I tilt my head to the side.
"Oh really? And what were my eyes saying hm?"

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