Part One

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Chapter One:

"Zay-Zayn please wake up I need to go to the toilet."

It was 8 am, and Louis had woken up desperately needing the bathroom. One problem, Zayn his brother was spooning him and holding Louis close to his chest.

Any other Angel could easily remove Zayn's arm, but not Louis. An Angel's strength increases as they grow older, and Louis was 1000 plus years younger than the other Angels in heaven. The caramel haired boy was not only weak because of his age but also because of how tiny he was. He stood at a solid 5,4", but he told everyone he was 5,9"; nobody ever believed him. Louis was Gods favourite and treasured because of this.

"Please, Zayn."

Louis was thrashing around; Zayn was always a deep sleeper.


It wasn't Zayn's voice but his creators, his fathers.


Louis' high pitched feminine voice spoke as he looked up meeting eyes with his father.

"Oh Lou my sweet Angel, come on I'll help you,"

God spoke fondly as he effortlessly removed Zayn's arm. The small boy flapped his pure white wings hard as he flew out of the room towards the bathroom, yelling thanks. God wasn't some big man made of clouds, no, he was just like any other Angel, expect the creator of all. God was a man with dark skin, a few shades darker than that of Zayn and shimmering gold wings. Angels over one million years old were archangels and had gold wings, while younger angels had white wings; like Louis.

Louis returned from the bathroom with a prominent blush on his cheeks as he walked up to God.

"Thank you, Daddy."

God couldn't help but smile at the platonic name.

"It's okay baby. Do you remember what today is?"

God asked as he easily picked Louis up and onto his hip with one hand and began walking towards his bedroom. Louis giggled, of course, he remembered.

"It's my birthday."

The elder man reached his chambers and opened the door only to throw Louis onto the king size bed as the young boy to squealed. God climbed onto the bed himself laying on his back; wings spread and once again, manhandling Louis, so he was straddling him platonically.

"That's right, happy birthday Lou, your 21 today!" Louis nuzzled his face into his Father's neck giggling.

"Oh Louis, never change baby. I wish you would stay my innocent little boy forever."

Hearing this made Louis gasp, "Daddy I... you will always be my Daddy, I love you."

The elder man couldn't help but smile; Louis was the only Angel in heaven who called him by the endearing name, everyone else simply called him by his name - Joshua. God smiled looking at Louis, he looked the same as he did 21 years ago and will forever remain that way. Joshua stroked Louis' cheek and ran his hands down the boy's neck, sides and thighs just thinking. Thinking about how Louis might not be so innocent one day and won't want to cuddle.

"I got you a birthday present little one."

Louis beamed, a broad smile on his face as he giggled closing his eyes. God chuckled at the boy's antiques, reaching under the bed and placing the gift in Louis' smaller hands. He opened his eyes and saw one of the most adorable stuffed pandas he has ever seen.

"Thank you, thank thank thank you, Daddy."

Louis squeezed the toy before hugging the gift giver, smiling brightly. He used to have a stuffed bear that he loved and couldn't sleep without, but his friend Liam accidentally put it into the washing machine, and it didn't survive. Louis cried for hours that day, and a sad Louis meant everyone else was sad too. But right now he had his panda, and that was all that mattered.

"I'm going to name him Leo."

Louis cuddled into his Daddy's chest as God wrapped his wings around the small boy.

"That's sweet baby."

The two Angels lay there talking about everything and anything until Louis decided he wanted to see his friends.

"Daddy, can I go see Li-Li, Ni and Zaynie?"

Louis asked turning around attempting to get up but failing as he couldn't lift God's wings that were wrapped around him.

"This isn't fair, your too strong," Louis whined.

The more potent man chuckled, "Your so cute. Come on I'll go with you."

Louis smiled and rolled out of bed once he was free and giggled when he fell on the floor. God easily picked him up and placed him on his hip flying towards the common room where he knew he would find Zayn, Liam and Niall.

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