Part Eight

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Chapter Eight:

It was typical for Angels to lapse into a weak condition after their first sin - this was no different for little Lou. He had awoken the following day, at 2 AM, with absolutely no energy and the need to vomit.

He had just managed to drag himself out of bed to empty his stomach into the toilet.

"Lou what's going on?" Harry had heard the small boy get out of bed and wanted to make sure he was okay.

The Angel couldn't find it in himself to talk; he felt lethargic and all his energy was going into bending over into toilet.

"Louis I'm going to come in if you don't answer." There was a clear concern in Harry's voice. Of course, the caramel haired boy provided no response. Consequently, the Fallen Angel effortlessly pushed the locked door open only to notice the poor state Louis was in.

"Oh my gosh, Little One. It's okay Lou. Let's get you back to bed where I can take care of you." Harry scooped the pale boy into his arms, only now noticing how petite the Angel was.

Harry didn't take Louis back to the guest bedroom, instead of into the master bedroom, where Harry slept. It featured a large king size bed. If Louis asked why Haz had placed him in his bedroom instead of the guest room then the curly haired man would easily lie and say it was the only room with air conditioning; however, the real reason was that he wanted to see the large bed swallow the small boy up. He thought it was endearing and adorable how little God's favourite Angel was. So tiny, weak and now sick.

Harry quickly placed his hand on the boys burning forehead, "fuck your hot." The lanky boy had no clue what to do; he didn't even know why Louis was sick.

Nobody got sick in Hell and lived to tell the tale. Satan always killed them claiming that those who were sick were weak and he only allowed those who were healthy to live. What Harry wasn't expecting was the bedroom door to swing open, welcoming in Lucifer himself.

"Harry," Satan warned as he stared down at the boy who was leaning over a bucket, face a pale yellow colour.

"What's wrong with him." The devil continued in a tone that made Harry very anxious. Satan was known to kill anybody at the first sign of sickness, not only those who were sick but those who had been near the sick.

"Nothing. It's just food poisoning." Harry scratched the back of his neck out of fear. He watched as Lucifer squinted his eyes.

"DONT LIE TO ME BOY!" The supreme evil growled, wings expanding as he flew at Harry holding him against the wall by his neck.

"Do you know what I do to the sick?" He questioned. Harry couldn't reply, all that he could muster was choking noises, his only way to beg for air.

"You might be my favourite Harry, but if I let you and that Angel there live I will come across as weak, and we both know we can't have that."

Suddenly, Harry was falling to the floor, hard linoleum making contact with his ass. Satan had dropped him, the boy coughed, finding his breath. He looked over at poor Louis who was still vomiting into the bucket as he sat on the king-sized bed. Harry frowned noticing Louis was shaking in fear.

"You know Harry, I am feeling nice today, so how about I give you this option; you fly with that sick Angel to Earth and never return, and I will tell the people of hell that you simply, abanded us.... Nobody has to die Harry." His voice was sickeningly sweet, and Harry knew there was a, 'but' to the deal, however, he didn't stay to find out. So he mustered up his strength and courage; gathered Louis in his arms and took off to Earth.

At least Earth was a safer place for his Angel.


Harry found himself falling as soon as he entered the Earthly atmosphere. He was weak, and his body could not handle the change in atmospheric pressure, with Louis' extra weight. Although he tried to flap his wings, he could not find the strength and found himself landing in green pastures with a thud; luckily Louis was still wrapped safely in his arms.

Harry groaned at the ache in his body; he was lucky that he was able to bare such a landing. Suddenly a small voice proclaimed;

"What are we going to do Harry?"

That was a good questioned

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