Part Five

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Chapter Five:

Louis abruptly looked at Harry; he could sense the Demons sudden change of heart. Harry made eye contact; green guilt-ridden orbs meeting Louis' innocent and scared blue ones. It was almost as if the small boy was looking through Harry and knew every secret of his. Louis' stare made Harry want to squirm visibly. However, he stopped himself knowing Lucifer would immediately recognise something was wrong. The last thing Harry wanted was the King of Hell thinking his favourite fallen angel had gone soft.

So instead Harry kept a firm expression on his face.

Lucifer's rough hands found their way to Louis' jaw and he harshly turned the small boys head, so he was looking at him yet again.

"We are all going to have so much fun with you."

Harry's eyes widened, "I caught him father; he's mine."

No way was Harry going to allow his little Angel, who he had suddenly grown very possessive of, to be used by Lucifer and his minions.

"If you wanted to keep him why did you bring him to me?" Lucifer laughed. His laughter was gravelly, and it made Louis shiver.

"You're not touching my property." The King of Hell didn't seem happy about it but agreed anyway.

"Fine, if you want him to yourself you have to protect him because I'm not telling everyone that he is off limits." Harry glared at the nonsense Lucifer was speaking, but he knew he would keep to his word.

The taller man quickly picked the Angel up from lucifers lap placing the small boy on his hip like a baby, but he was a baby so many years younger than Harry. Harry almost felt bad about the thoughts he had previously had, those repulsive ideas of fucking Louis until he bled. He shook that image from his head.

"Hold on tight princess," The curly haired man warned before flying up towards his room.

In hell each demon was given a 'room', really it was just a large unit. Harry's was a two bedroom, two bathrooms, lounge and dining, kitchen, en suite, walk-in wardrobe. It was all quite pleasant. He was lucky he had one of the nicer rooms; being Lucifers favourite fallen Angel had its perks.

Walking into the unit, Harry placed the small whimpering boy on the bed, not knowing what to do.

"Do you want water?" he saw a little nodded and rushed to tend to the beauty's wish.

Speed walking back into the bedroom, being the clumsy fellow the Demon is he tripped over his own feet, fell onto the small boy, and spilt the cups content all over the little Angel.


"Hi." Louis replied unsure what else to say.

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