Part Four

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Chapter Four:

Louis was clinging onto Harry like a koala bear; he felt the air hitting his body as Harry flew deeper and deeper into hell. The small boy hid his face in Harry's chest wrapping his little legs tighter around the Demon's waist.

When the tall man finally landed the first thing Louis noticed was how much thinner the air was. Harry must have taken notice of how he was struggling to breathe as a chuckle escaped the Demon's lips,

"deep breaths Angel," Harry spoke almost teasingly.

He set the young boy down on his feet; Louis finally had a chance to look around. They were in a dimly lit room, the only light source being a fountain of lava. The room was empty except for one large door on the left wall. Louis was baffled. How did they even get into the chamber, to begin?

The small boy curled in on himself and began backing into a corner scared of what might be beyond the large door. He watched as Harry walked towards the door and unlocked it with a key from his pocket.

"Coming?" the demonic being asked looking back at Louis. The latter quietly shook his head wanting to be back in Heaven safe and sound.

Harry sighed, "I didn't think so."

The taller of the two made quick work of throwing Louis over his shoulder and walking out of the room, remembering to lock the door.

To say Louis was scared was an understatement, his wings were blocking some of his view, however, what he could see as Harry walked was awful. Demons everywhere, lava everywhere, darkness everywhere.

Pure evil.

Louis hid his face in Harry's strong back muscles and wet Harry's black wings with the tears escaping his beautiful blue eyes.

The small boy didn't know how long they were walking before he found himself being thrown onto a bed; a rather lumpy bed. He soon realised that it wasn't a lumpy bed but rather another Demon. Regrettably, before he could crawl away, the Demon had wrapped his arms around the small boy's petite waist pulling him towards his chest. Louis had never sensed so much evil in his life; he was suffocating in it.

"I told you I would do it. I told you I could get him, father." Louis struggled against the firm hold but paused when he heard the word 'father' escape Harry's lips.

"He's not your father." The small lad growled, attempting to be intimidating.

"God he's so cute." The man he now knows as Lucifer laughed.

"Let me go." Louis struggled but failed miserably.

Instead of letting him go Lucifer easily sat up in bed, so his back was resting against the headboard and manhandled Louis so he was in straddle position.

Lucifer used his wings to hold Louis in place and one hand to restrain his wrists. The small boy whimpered looking down not wanting to make eye contact with the one person whose soul he was taught could never be saved.

"So submissive." Lucifer laughs, tracing the boy's jawline with his free hand.

Louis began to thrash around seeking to free himself from the grip of Hell's leader. The small Angel was not expecting a sharp slap on his thigh and a booming voice commanding him.


Louis immediately did as told, gasping as he looked up at the intimidating figure for the first time, quickly averting eye contact.

Evil is the only word to describe Lucifer.

Harry didn't know what it was, but suddenly he felt guilty for dragging the innocent Angel into hell. He felt sorrow for the boy who should be cuddled and loved not used and punished. The taller man thought back to why he chose to fall in the first place, wanting to be able to love and be loved, wanting to show someone in the universe how much he loved them in a non-platonic way.

He remembers how hard his decision was to leave all his friends, to leave Joshua. Harry feels awful; it's like his soul had been purified and every evil deed he has done he wants to fix. But he can't fix what he's done; he can't take Louis back to Heaven. All he knows is that he might not be able to give Louis his life back, but he unquestionably can protect him from the evil he too had once been consumed by.

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