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"Hoseok." Jimin said. "Hoseok, Hoseok, Hoseok, Hoseok-"

"What?" I groaned. "I'm trying to focus."

"Well I'm not and I'm trying to entertain myself here."

"You should focus or else you'd fail this subject and not graduate."

"I will graduate no matter what." He retorted.

"Yeah? Says who."

"Says me." He smirked.

"Smart." I sarcastically said.

"Are you saying I'm dumb?"

"Yes, pretty much."

"Ouch, where's my baby when I need him?"

"You have a baby?"

"Yes, he's seventeen." He winked.

"You swing that way?" I smirked.

"So what if I do?"

"What about your baby?"

"He still hasn't arrived."

"When's he arriving?" I asked.

"After tomorrow." He answered.

The bell rang signaling it was time for last class. I had P.E with Jungkook and I was happy that I wasn't going to get hit with dodge balls alone. At least he can cover me.

"I'm leaving."

"Leaving?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Do you not know what skipping means? I do not want to have Mrs. Luka for Algebra. I'm already failing and I do not want any minus points on my report card."

"Well, you have fun with that." I smiled. "I'm gonna go now, bye." I waved.

He waved and we separated ways as I walked to the gym. I met Jungkook there and we went to the locker room, changing into our gym clothes. We walked back out and met up with the other people and the teacher showed up. Mr. Roy can win Earth's most muscled man ever. Does that make sense? I feel like if we accidentally hit him with a golf ball, he'd explode into millions of little Mr. Roy's.

"Okay, today we're going to try something new. Make your way to the field and start stretching, I'll be right back."

"What? Why does it have to be on the hottest day ever? I swear, as soon as I get back home, I will fall into my bath tub and just stay there until winter's here." Jungkook said, sighing.

"I need a cold shower." I frowned.

We all walked to the field and started stretching. The guys that were playing their football game started leaving and gave us our space. Mr. Roy came back and told us to run two laps around the field before starting the new thing he was talking about.

"Alright, we'll be trying out some soccer." Everyone groaned. "Come on, it's a fun game. If you guys do it well then we'll be continuing it for the rest of the school year. Now that doesn't mean you should purposely suck at it because if you do then you'll automatically get an F on your report card. Okay?"

"Yes sir." We all answered.

He got a soccer ball and started teaching us the basics. "Divide yourselves into two groups. Eleven on each team." He said. We all started diving ourselves and I turned out to be in the same team as Jungkook and Chanyeol. Thank god Baekhyun wasn't in this class or else this would be hell. "If you are wearing any kind of jewelry, please take it off or else you'd hurt someone."

wrapped。 yoonseok Where stories live. Discover now