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We were on the bus right now, on our way to a museum. They said we were going to The Louvre and that we will see the Mona Lisa, probably resulting in us writing an essay about the painting. I was sitting on the first seat, right behind the driver. The others were all at the back.

"Why are you sitting alone?" A voice asked.

"I'm just thinking." I said. Jungkook sat in the empty seat next to me.

"About lover boy?"

"You too?" I sighed. Jimin kept calling Yoongi that and now Jungkook was calling him that.

He just laughed. "Really though, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I shook my head. It really was nothing. I was just thinking about random things.

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "Then come sit at the back with us, it's lonely without Jung Hoseok."

I smiled but I shook my head. "I'm good here."

"Alright." He stood up and went to sit at the back with the others. A few moments later, Yoongi slumped down next to me and put an arm around me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." I slightly chuckled.

"Why won't you sit next to us at the back?"

"I just don't like sitting back there." I shrugged.

"Then I'll stay with you."

"You don't have to. You can sit at the back if you want."

"No, I'd rather sit with you."

I smiled at him and leaned my head on his shoulder.


"And here is the famous Mona Lisa." The woman said, pointing towards the magnificent painting hanging on the white wall. This is the first time I've seen it in real life. And it looked even better than it did on pictures.

"Have you noticed that she doesn't have eyebrows?" Jimin stated, out loud. A few students snickered and I shook my head at him.

"How did you even see that?"'

"It's right there, dork." He rolled his eyes, pointing to the Mona Lisa painting.

"Ah, never mind." I sighed. I admired the painting. You could see the strokes of the paint up close. It was amazing, really.

The woman that was showing us the paintings and talking about them walked off and we followed her. She showed us many great paintings by many great artists. I loved them all. There were a few statues here and there, too. Some were small but some were huge.

"Hey Hoseok," Jimin started.

"Please don't."

"What if I accidentally push this statue? What will happen?"

"You'll have to pay for it."

"No, I won't."

"Yeah, you will. You'll get put in jail then you'll get raped and be the very first pregnant man."

"Wow, you really do think about freaky shit. I'd be scared if I were you." Jimin said to Yoongi. "I would not want to know his crazy tactics in bed."

"You're one to talk, mister I like to—" Jungkook was cut off by Jimin putting a hand on his mouth. My eyes widened.

"You guys did it?!" I was a bit too loud which attracted a few students, causing them to give us weird looks.

"Keep it down! And no, we didn't." Jungkook whispered. "Why would you want to know?"

"Because we're best friends."

"Well, yeah. But—"

"Can we not talk about their sex lives and continue on with the tour?" Yoongi spoke. We all nodded, agreeing with what he said.

We were done walking around the museum and half of the seniors were pretty hungry, including myself. The teachers said we'd be able to eat whenever we left the place. Which was now.

We got on the buses and they took us to the nearest restaurant. This unlucky restaurant will be dealing with many, many hungry Koreans in a few minutes.

As soon as we got there, we all entered like some zombie apocalypse. Everybody turned to look at us but we were too hungry to care. It took almost half an hour to seat everyone.

I sat on a table with Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and some random student. The waitress came up to us and started talking in French. I did not understand shit. But luckily, the student that sat with us knew how to speak French. She told the waitress what we wanted and the waitress left.

"She said it'll be here soon." The girl, which I've come to know as Jessi, said.

"Thanks." I smiled warmly at her. She smiled back and went on her phone.

"The museum thing was too boring." Jimin whined. "I need some real shit, like clubs and underground discos."

"Underground discos? Isn't that another term for club?"

"Yeah, I couldn't think of anything else so I used that."

"And you say I think of freaky shit?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, ding ding ding, you hear that? Yeah, it's the sound of the elevator cause you're not on my level."

"Fight me, hoe." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Please don't fight." Jessi said. "You'll attract attention."

"They don't care." Jungkook said, shaking his head at his boyfriend and I. Jessi sighed and looked away. She was a pretty little red head. Well, mostly on the ginger side. She had freckles on her cheeks and her eyes were blue. She was extremely pale, too.

"Come on," I said. "Or are you too chicken to hit me?" I smirked.

"I've hit midgets before." He shrugged.

"You have?!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Don't act so innocent, you've been there before." He winked at him. Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"Oh my god." Jessi mumbled.

"Don't come near my boyfriend with that hand of yours, only I can do that." Yoongi said, pulling my chair towards him. Jungkook and Jimin's eyes widened at what Yoongi said.

"You've done it?! And didn't tell me?!"

"I haven't!" I pouted. "Why am I even friends with such perverts?"

"I ask myself that every day." Jungkook said.

"If I'm considered as a friend, does that make us friends with benefits?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook wasn't able to answer him since the food had arrived. We all stayed silent as we stared at the goodness that was set in front of us.

"THE LORD IS ON OUR SIDE!" Jimin yelled.

jimin is so me i cant

wrapped。 yoonseok Where stories live. Discover now