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The sound of a door being unlocked woke me up and I felt something on my neck. I looked to my side and found Jimin's head there. I don't mean just his head, I mean his whole body but his head was leaning on my head. Yeah. My eyes widened and I realized my parents are home.

"Oh shit." I mumbled. "Jimin, wake up."

"Five more minutes, babe." He groaned, hugging me.

"Jimin, there is no time for games. My parents are here!" I hissed. His eyes shot open and he looked at me.

I pointed to his arms and he blushed and jumped away from me. "Shit. Where's your room?"

"Upstairs, first door to your right." I hurriedly said. "You won't make it in time, they're already inside the house!" I panicked. The front door was right in front of the stairs so they would see him if he ran up.

I grabbed his arm and yanked him towards me as we ran to the guest room. I opened the door and we quietly entered as I closed the door. I was too focused if my parents would find out I had a friend over that I didn't realize I was still holding Jimin's hand. We were two inches apart and I looked up at him. Cue the blush. He smirked and I looked down, letting go of his hand. I breathed heavily as I heard their footsteps right outside the door.

"Hoseok? Honey, we're home." I heard my mom say as she neared the door.

Jimin looked alarmed so we both jumped over the bed and hid on the other side of it, ducking so they couldn't see us. The door to the guest room opened and my mom walked in.

"He must be asleep." My dad told her.

"Maybe." Mom mumbled.

The door closed and I let out a sigh of relief. "That was close." I said.

"They might still be there." Jimin whispered.

"Let's wait until they go upstairs so you can sneak out through the window again."


"Why's the window open?" I heard my dad's muffled voice. "Do you think he ran away?"

"Hoseok wouldn't do that, would he?"

"No, he wouldn't."

I heard the click of the lock on the window and I groaned. I heard their footsteps walk up the stairs and I slowly walked to the door, peeking out. It was all clear. I looked back at Jimin and motioned for him to follow me. We both tip toed upstairs and he ran into my room as soon as my parents' room's door opened.

"Oh Hoseok sweetheart, I thought you were asleep." My mom said.

"Oh nope. I was just in the bathroom, getting ready for bed." I nervously laughed, pushing my hair back.

"You look tired, go ahead. Wash up. Goodnight." She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight mom." I smiled at her. I walked back into my room and instantly locked my door.

Jimin sighed and plopped himself on my bed. "It felt like an action movie."

"What do you think you're still doing here? Go home!"

"Are you kicking me out? The Park Jimin? You're kicking out Park Jimin?" He gasped.

"Lower your voice, they'll hear you." I poked his head. "And get off my bed, you'll get germs on it."

"Ouch, my poor heart can't handle your cruelty." He clutched his shirt.

"Why did you fall asleep?"

"You're one to talk! You fell asleep before me!'

"Whatever. There's a window right there so please, just go home before my parents find out."

"How do I get down? There's no tree and I'm on the second floor. Do you want me to fall to my death?"

"I'm pretty sure you've tried sneaking out once or twice before so this shouldn't be a problem to you now should it?"

"You're right about that. But still, what if I sprain my ankle?" He pouted.

"Out." I laughed. "Plus, it's almost midnight, a beauty always needs his sleep." I pointed to myself.

"Oh please, awake or asleep, you still give me nightmares." I threw a shoe at him and he dodged it.


"Alright alright, I'm going!" He laughed. He walked towards my window and looked out. "Not too far down. I hope I make it alive."

"You will. You're just being dramatic."

"It adds to the effect." He smirked. "See you tomorrow, sweetheart." He winked as he mimicked my mom from earlier.

"Hmph." I crossed my arms across my chest as I waited for him to jump down. He did and I instantly ran towards the window, making sure he landed safely. "Jimin?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" I noticed him hiding behind a little bush.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm perfect." He blew me a kiss and I rolled my eyes, causing him to laugh as he sneakily walked to the front and left.

"What a night." I laughed to myself and went to my bed, sitting on it.

Half an hour later, I drifted off to sleep.


I was sleeping peacefully when something hit my face, causing me to jump. "I swear to god if this is you, Jinhwan, I will personally kill you with my own hands!" I yelled. Then I stopped and opened my eyes. I frowned. It wasn't Jinhwan.

"I'm not Jinhwan." Jungkook mumbled. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine." I shook my head. "How did you get in?"

"Your parents opened the door. They said they have some stuff to do today so they left you in my hands."

"Oh great, I feel secure." I said.

"Are you being sarcastic with me?" He gasped.

"I'm not that happy in the morning, if you haven't noticed."

"It's not morning, sunshine. It's four p.m. in the afternoon."

"What?!" I yelled, jumping off of my bed and running towards my bathroom. I washed up and went to my closet, putting on some regular outfit.

"Were you up all night?" He asked as I laid back on my bed.

"Maybe." I groaned. I remembered what happened last night and smiled.

"What happened? You're turning red."

"Nothing happened."

"Were you caught in the act?" He smirked.


"You're so innocent, Hoseok." He laughed.

"Whatever. Why are you here again?"

"I love you too, best friend. We are going out." He smiled. "We haven't had our alone time in so long!"

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the mall, duh."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?"

"That's what I'm talking about!"

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