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"Why do I have to stay away from you?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because if you don't, you'll end up six feet underground just like your brother. And I do not want that to happen."

"He can't hurt me, Yoongi."

"He can and he will."

"Why am I the target? I don't remember dealing with drugs through the seventeen years of my life."

"I told you. My dad is crazy. When he found I was hanging out with Jinhwan's little brother, he just put it in his head to kill you if I didn't stay away."

"That doesn't make sense at all, Yoongi." I frowned.

"He needs to go to a mental hospital, princess. Nothing ever makes sense if it comes out of the bastard's mouth."

"We need to get him to one, then."

"How? He won't want to spend his whole life stuck in a mental hospital."

"Well, it's better than being stuck in jail forever, am I not right?"

"You're right but he's thick-skulled. It's gonna be hard to convince him that a mental hospital's gonna actually help him. Plus, he wouldn't want to give up on drugs."

"Firstly, he needs rehab. Then he needs to go to a mental hospital."

"If you can do it, I'd marry you." He stared at me.

"Where did that come from?"

"I tried making the situation lighter." He shrugged. "Guess that doesn't work."

"I finally know how my brother died." I mumbled. Yoongi just looked down.

After finding out that his dad killed my brother, I went numb. I did let out some tears but I felt numb. I was frozen. Also after finding out that he was a drug dealer. That was a home run for me. That shocked me. Jinhwan being a drug dealer would be the last thought that would cross my mind because that just didn't add up. It didn't make sense to me. Why would he do something so dangerous? He seemed pretty happy to me.

A knock was heard. We both turned to the door as Somi came in, half sleepy.

"Gi, I'm hungry."


"How was the party?" My mom asked when I came back home. I slept over at Jimin's and came back the next day.

That question reminded me of what happened and it took everything in me not to start crying.

"It was fun." I said. "I'm tired, I'll go to my room, okay?"

"Alright." She smiled at me as I left the living room and went up to my room.

For the first time ever, I'm actually going to skip school. I wasn't in the mood for it. And for me to say that, it's a big deal. I didn't want to face anybody. Not after what happened.

And apparently for me to skip school, that was a big deal for my friends too seeing that I had millions of texts from them coming from the group chat we've formed.

Yoongi: where r u

Jungkook: are u really not coming

Jimin: this is weird. Hoseok are u sure ur not sick bc u never skip school days

Me: yeah. I don't feel too good so I don't think ill come today. Ill come tomorrow tho bc I don't want to miss out on anything new
read 8:01am

Jungkook: is this bc of what happened at the party

Me: no
read 8:01am

Yoongi: I don't believe u

Me: don't believe me
read 8:02am

Jimin: guys gather around outside. Parking lot rn

Jungkook: gotcha

Yoongi: ok

Me: guys? What are u planning
read 8:02am

They didn't answer after that. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned my phone off, getting ready to sleep. Even though it's like eight or nine in the morning.


I woke up and I realized it was four in the afternoon. I checked my phone and I had no texts whatsoever. As usual. I stood up and inspected my knees, they were healing a lot faster now. I walked downstairs and entered the living room.

"Surprise!" Someone yelled and confetti was thrown into the air as cheers erupted.

"What's going on?" I asked, confused.

"We knew why you weren't at school today therefore we wanted to make you happy by hosting a surprise party so, surprise!" Jimin yelled.

"You didn't have to." I frowned.

"We wanted to." Jungkook said, smiling. He came up to me and hugged me.

He pulled me to the middle of the living room where a cake was placed.

"We love you, Hoseok?" I read the writing on the cake. "I love you guys." My lips started shaking.

"He's gonna cry!" Jimin yelled, laughing. We did a group hug and I smiled at them.

We ate the cake. It was delicious. It was my favorite, red velvet. The taste made me go insane. This was perfect. They made everything perfect.

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