Chapter 18-Plan B

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Chapter 18

~~Rose's P.O.V~~

We weren't allowed out the gates during the school days, only on weekends and here my dad was, sneaking in the stupid devil. my father not aware of what a true monster this hottie is!?

I patiently wait near Kyle's dorm, hiding in a corner, feeling like I'm an awesome lil rebel, about to commit a crime. I knew he was a metre away when his amazing cologne, invaded my nostrils, nearly making me forget my mission as I take in a long deep sniff. When he walked past, expertly, I grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall where his shocked face met my own stern and curious one.

"Well, this is a surprise Chi Chi." Kyle smirks with amusement. "If you wanted a quickie, you could of just said so."

My face flushed fifty shades of red and I was preeeetty sure I looked like a tomato about to explode. I clear my throat and shake my head, controlling my emotions around him. "Listen here, you camel butthole. I saw you creep in through the gates. I SAW EVERYTHING! Everything you hear me! And I better get some answers or else you will regret breathing the same oxygen as me." I warn but he only raises his left brow in return.

I huff out in anger and tug on his shirt, pulling his face closer since he was a lot taller. "Listen here." I whisper in a warning tone. "I don't have time for your stretchy eyebrows. So give me my answers so I can get going and socialise with humans."

"Only if I get a kiss in return." He whispers back, his hands sneaking their way around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer.

My eyes widen and my breathing accelerates. "K-kyle...Stop, let go.." I weakly attempted to push him away but failed.

"Just a small peck..." He continues to whisper huskily as his lips nibble softly on my ear, causing my organs to go wild.

He's doing it again. He's trying to lure you in his trap.

Putting my hands through his neatly styled hair, I suddenly grip hard and tug down, causing him to curse out loudly as he lets go of me. "You little bi-"

"I came here for answer's, you disrespectful, inorganic, bacterial fungi!" I interrupt, using as many words as I could that I've learned from science. "Now listen carefully and I might just let you get away with your hair still attached to your head." I smile innocently as he glares. "Why did you leave the school grounds when we are strictly prohibited and why was my dad helping you? DID YOU MURDER SOMEONE?"

"Can you relax your wild female hormones." The sexy man before me snaps irritated.

"Do not insult my hormones you imbecile!"

"And where I went or what I did is non of your concern." He starts in a bored tone. "Only those who have a strong relationship to me have the right to know. And if that is too much for your brain to analyse, in simpler terms, I would only tell my girlfriend and best friend. Clearly that is not you. So go and pluck someone else's hair like a wild psychotic female, away from me." With that said, he walked away, his arm slightly brushing my shoulder, without even glancing back.

"Well...I guess it's time for plan B then." I mutter to myself as I go back to my dorm to plan my evil mission.

"So...tell me why we're dressed up like criminals, sneaking around the school quite obviously may I add, at ten pm when I could be finishing my homework and having a peaceful weekend without earning myself a detention for sneak-"

"SHHHHHH!" I hiss at Lewis, glaring as I examine the corridor before creeping my way towards the principals office. I was currently on a mission to my dads office, to try and find Kyle's documents that will answer my burning questions. Everyone's documents track everything, even when we leave the boarding school and where we go. So its basically like a magical book full with answers!

We run quietly, from corridor to corridor, trying to get to the office which may I add is on the other side of the school.

"You can barely run during P.E lessons and look at you now!" Lewis exclaims in a hushed manner to which I glare back.

"My curiosity is killing me, so shush!"

"Rose, you could get expelled for being caught. And I'm not going down with you!" Lewis groaned but I only rolled my eyes.

"Then why did you come?"

"I uhhh...well...uhh..." He starts, looking nervous and I raise my eyebrow, waiting for his reason. I sigh when he didn't offer one.

"Look, I have to know." I say quietly as I try to find the key that I stol-borrowed earlier without my fathers consent. 

Finally getting in, Lewis and I creep in slowly, trying not to trip over anything in the dark. "Okay, you check that cabinet over there and I'll check this one." I whisper whilst I turn on the flash light on my phone.

I skim through the folders that held all the information about students, from the day they were born and where to every record about vaccines, suspensions, expulsions etc. Since the folders were placed alphabetically by last name, it didn't take long to look through all the ones that start with 'A'

I groan out of frustration. "Ugh! I can't find Kyle Anderson. Did you find anything Lewis?" I ask quietly but when I didn't get a reply, I turn to face him.

"Lewis? Are you alright?"


"Oh yeah, sorry." He panics as he shuts the folder he was looking through, which only raised my suspicion.

"Who's folder is that?"


Oooooh I wonder who's folder it is.... What do you think???



Be a sparkly potato

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