Chapter 5- Hatred

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Shays POV:

I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by women in a pure white room.

I sat up and looked around, their was girls all the way to the other side of the room & this room was bigger then a tripple wide trailer.

I heard the doors burst open and two HUGE, H-U-G-E, HUGE guys with samari swords came in yelling in Hindo.

All the girls pressed themselves against the wall besides me and a few other girls.

"vāpasa pānē kē li'ē (get back)!" They yelled and the others went to the wall but me and a teeny, tiny girl.

She was short about 5'1 or 5'3 at the most, she had long hip length hair that had several different shades of blue throughout it, she had anime like whiteish, blueish eyes, a small figure and you could see she was no older then 14 years-old.

"Mai vāpasa pānē kē li'ē kahā(I said get back)!" He said before he smacked her across the face instantly making her bleed.

I got up. "Hey you, fuck shit...banda vāpasa...yeah that's rite I speak a little bit of Hindo & in case you don't know I said BACK OFF!" I yelled and they just laughed which pissed me off to no end.

One slapped me across the face. "vāpasa pānē kē li'ē (get back)." He said and I got so pissed my stomach started to boil and everything went bright red.

I walked towards the wall then spun on my heels, ran at the guards, punched one in the face making him fall to his knees then I tackled the other and once he was on the ground I pulled back my fist and beat the crap out of him.

My head snapped up when I heard clapping, I looked up and seen Ah-lee.

I got up from the broken man, walker straight up to Ah-lee and slapped him in the face.

"How dare you...where am I...I'm going home!" I yelled pushing past him.

"We're in India my princess, you can't go home plus your my slave, a part of my herron." He said and I flipped out.

I took off down the hall, I wasn't going to be part of a harem, no way in hell.

I seen guards coming my way so I turned around just to see more guards so I had no choice to run out onto the balcony.

I ran out and looked around before I got on the side and started to walk along the edge, I looked down and seen a grape cart.

"Don't be a fucking wimp, it's either this or practically being a sex slave." I said to myself and with those words I jumped off the sixth story on the palace.

I curled myself into a ball just before I hit the cart.

I looked around and seen people looking at me like I was a crazy person...if only they knew what their prince was like.

"Get her!" I heard the men yell in thick accents, I looked back and seen them coming at me with swards.

I grabbed the butcher knife from the guys belt just in case and took off.

I bobbed and weaved, ducking and sliding under stuff and I turned a corner only to come face to face with a concrete wall.

I heard footsteps and spun around to see the guards turning the corner.

"Vvv-we caught you." He said and I got a firm grip on the handle to the butcher knife.

"I'm not going back without a fight." I said and they all laughed like they thought I was joking or something.

They came at me with swords in hand, knifes were being slashed skin being torn and finally I had gotten a break.

"A real man wouldn't need a sword to take on a ''little'' girl." I said before throwing my knife to the side.

They soon did the same and once again fists were being thrown, bones broken and skin developing what would be dark bruises.


I had tooken 9 outta 9 guards down and was completely exhausted.

"Ready to take on me, my little princess?" Said what I knew was Ah-lees voice.

I looked up, smiled at him and suddenly all my energy was back and I felt as if I could take twenty of him on.

"Bring it on pretty boy." I said glaring at him and I knew I had enough anger in me to take him on.

I took a step towards him but halted in my tracks when his skin tore to reveal dark black wings.

"What the hell are those?" I yelled stepping back a few steps.

"Gabriel didn't tell you about...oh naughty Gabriel." He said and shook his head clicking his tongue.

He came at me and I somehow got up the courage to step to the side, grab his wing, spin him around and smash him into the concrete wall face first.

He picked himself up and that's when the real fight began.


It had been at least an hour of fighting and I had finally got him to the ground.

I put one leg on each side while sitting in between his hips, I raised the butcher knife ready to plung it into him.

I looked into his eyes and my heart made me put the knife down...he looked so much like Gabriel that I couldn't bring myself to do it.

In one swift moment he was ontop of me and my heart wouldn't let me fight back it kept me their sitting still.

"Lets go home my little princess." He said picking me up bridal style and everything inside me besides my heart was yelling 'fight back stupid' but my heart kept me still and unmoving.

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