Chapter 6- Save Me

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Shays POV:

I woke up to the doors in the harem flying open, I sat up quickly and was soon tore up from my bed.

"LET ME GO YOU BIG OVERSIZED PIECE OF SHIT!" I yelled fighting, I thrashed around trying to break free but since I had just woke up everything was blurry and I was weak.

"Shut up!" He yelled knowing by now not to speak hindo to me because last time I smacked the lips off his face.

He pushed me out of the harems door, down the hall and into a room I'd never been in before.

"Let me out!" I yelled pounding on the door until a pair of warm arms wrapped around my barely covered stomach due to me wearing .

I turned around to see Ah-lee and a lump of disgust formed in my throat...I knew why I was here in the middle of the night so I automatically shut down, meaning I was their but at the same time I wasn't.

He kissed down my jaw to my neck, he bit down on the soft spot behind my ear looking for a reaction which denied him of.

He grabbed me by my upper arm and threw me onto his bed I wiped my now only mid back length hair out of my eyes then once again layed still.

He got on me and crashed his lips against mine forcefully, trying to make me kiss back but I denied him any reaction from me.

He ripped my underwear off from under my skirt and removed his pants plus underwear, he kept kissing me as he shoved himself into me and I couldn't take the pain.

I opened my mouth and screamed lightly, he took this as his chance to shove his tongue into my mouth.

He pulled in and out of me hard and fast, I couldn't help but moan at the top of my lungs, you would think I was enjoying it if the tears weren't rolling like rivers down my face.

I looked to the door just before it burst open, it shattered like glass into little splinters.

Ah-lee stopped pounding into me and looked at the door just as Gabriel walked threw the door.

"Gabriel is that really you?" I said in disbelief that he was here rite when I needed him the most and this means...he didn't forget about me after I left.

"Shay...oh my god...I'm gonna save you." Gabriel said and I could tell he was heartbroken from seeing me like this.

"No you aren't she's mine!" Ah-lee yelled just before he flipped me over reached into my back and I felt him pull something big and feathery out.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed, it was so high pitched that the big glass door and all the windows shattered.

"You bastard!" Gabriel yelled andthe last thing I seen was him hitting and beating the shit outta Ah-lee, then everything went into extrem and unsettling darkness.


I felt a cool and welcomed breeze flowing threw my Indian clothing, I opened my eyes to see the beautiful dark sky and beautiful shiny white stars that glimmered their way into my heart immediately.

"Gabriel!" I yelled scared as I wiggled around trying to break free from the restraint around my waist.

"Shhh it's me, you're safe now and you're with me and I'll never let ANYONE hurt you again." Said Gabriels voice.

I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck loving the way we fit together so perfectly.

I closed my eyes once more and let my heart be my guide. "I love you Gabriel...since the day I saw you...even the time I first left you." I confessed.

"I've always loved you Shay...since the beginning of time." He said and I just smiled.

My smile soon faded away when I realised that my feet were dangling.

I looked down and screamed my ass off, I turned around in Gabriels arms and secured my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Gabriel did you know that we're flying?" I asked but then already knew the answer when I seen his beautiful wings they were black with dark purple splashed in here and their.

I smiled but then everything all the memories hit me like a flood and I couldn't help but start to panick.

"Gabriel where's Ah-lee he'll come for me, what did he pull out of my back was it mine spine...wait no I feel that, did he like take out my kidney so he could do a voodoo ritual and curse me or did he-?" I said but was cut off by him dropping me.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I covered my eyes ready to go cur-splat on the earths floor.

I had realised I stopped falling so I peeked out from my hand...Gabriel wasn't in front of me, I felt around my waist and their were no arms.

I looked behind me and seen wings...they looked exactly like the sky they were black with white little glowing dots that looked exactly to the T like stars.

I looked up and seen Gabriel. "Are these mine?" I asked, he nodded his head yes and a huge smile formed on my face.

"What am I, who am I-?" I started but he cut me off with the wave of his hand.

"I'll explaine later but for now we need to go." He said looking really serious.

"Ok lets go then...Gabriel...can you help me I don't know how to do this." I said and he smiled.

He gracefully flew down, grabbed my hand and started to fly taking me with him as I flapped my new wings.

'Wow my wings...this is gonna be a lot to get used to' I said to myself as Gabriel and I flew into what was now a whole new world.

A/N: Sorry this was so short I had really bad writers block but I hope you still liked it, LOVE YOU GUYS & GALS.






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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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