Chapter 2- You found me

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A/N: Hey guys I hope you liked the last chapter and I hope you love this one and make sure you read my other book The Tale of a "Confused" Outcast + please share, comment and vote. Love ya guys and gals!

Shays POV:

I had walked about three miles when a baby blue Convertible pulled up beside me.

"Need a ride lover girl?" I heard a familiar voice say, so I looked beside me to see no one other than Gabriel.

"What'ch'you doin' out here?" I asked ignoring his first question.

"I thought I'd go for a road trip...well more like an adventure, I have no idea where I'm going." He said and I smiled at that, I have no idea where I'm goin either.

" you mind if I tag along with you on your adventure?" I asked smiling, for the first time in forever, shyly.

"Hop in." He smiled and I smiled back running to the door he had already opened and hopped into the car.

He started the car and sped onto the highway, I got up and sat on the back of the chair putting my hands on the head rest and my legs on either side of the head rest, before throwing my hands up into the air, letting the wind rush threw my fingers and my bun curled hair.

I seen Gabriel look at me from my purefinal vision, a small and if I didn't know better I'd say an adoring smile popped up on his perfect face.

"What?" I softly asked turning my head so I could look at him without having to use my purefinal vision.

"Nothing, just please get down here I don't want you to get hurt Shay." He said and I smiled as I did what he said.

"Happy?" I playfully asked as I sat back down in my seat with a flump sound.

"Very happy." He said and I smiled at him...he's made me smile more today then anyone has since the incident with Derek, before that I don't think I knew how not to smile.

Gabriels POV:

I felt a pain in my chest, a pain so harsh that I screamed out in pain and I knew why already, I got on my shoes, grabbed my keys, ran to the car and sped off.


I drove several different ways and finally caught her walking about three miles away from the Welcom to Tracy sign.

As I got closer I grew mesmerized by her, her hip length spiral curled blonde hair, the way her blue and white jeans clung to her big figure, and the way she walked...god that walk could knock you onto your ass, it was so confident and as some would say she had swagger.

I pulled up beside her but she didn't even look at me which made me upset.

"Need a ride lover girl?" I said using what she called me in her note to get her attention and it worked, she looked at me and wether she admits it or not her face lit up.

"What'ch'you doin' out here?" She asked totally ignoring my other question but I didn't really care, she was talking to me and that was a big plus.

"I thought I'd go for a road trip...well more like an adventure, I have no idea where I'm going." I said trying not to let her know my instincts practically made me hunt her down, but she smiled a beautiful smiled that literally made my heart skip a beat.

" you mind if I tag along with you on your adventure?" She asked smiling shyly and I almost lept out of my seat yelling yes, but composed myself before speaking.

"Hop in." I smiled tryin to play it cool and she smiled back before running to the door I had already opened and hopped into the car like a cute and perfect little bunny rabbit.

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