Mysterious lands part 1

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They had walked for a few days without anything happening to them but they were still on their guard. No one knew when something new would attack them.

They were still walking in the desert but the roads were getting more stony as they walked, it probably meant that they were nearing a stone surface ground instead of sand.

Loud screechs interrupted their walk, they looked up and saw several vultures flying towards them in great speed but these weren't the usual vultures that you would see in Earth.

These were very big, with large black wings that created winds and their screeches made ones ears hurt very much. They had bright red eyes, like they were coloured with blood and large claws that would tear the flesh from ones body but the biggest difference was the large teeth sticking out from their beaks.

"Am I wrong or are birds not supposed to have teeth like that?" Phoenix asked as they watched the vultures track them down and beginning to dive down in a very fast speed.

"They're attacking us!" Starr screamed in fear.

"Those things can eat us in one bite, we must hide." Axel screamed.

"I know what to do," Amanda said quickly. She began forming a hut made out of ice, so they could all fit inside it "Get inside!" she screamed, everyone ran inside quickly just as one vulture dived down to eat them.

"We can't stay here and besides -" Axel was saying but was interrupted suddenly when a vulture dived down again, broke the hut and grasped Axel with its giant claws and flew high up in the air.

Axel screamed in pain as the claws dug into his skin, drawing blood.

"That's horrible, we must do something!" Derek screamed.

Two vultures flew down and tried catching them with their claws but Starr reacted fast and hit them with thunder, they screeched and flew up again.

The one holding Axel continued squeezing him hard, the claws digging further inside his skin. He grasped its claws and tried to open them but it was impossible, he began feeling faint from the blood loss.

"I want to shot an ice pick at its claws but what if I hit Axel instead?" Amanda asked scared.

"We must take the chance and the ice will hurt him the least if it hits him." Phoenix spoke.

"He will fall if you hit the bird." Starr said, she couldn't remember the name of the blasted bird, not that she cared.

"I will catch him, come on Amanda." Derek screamed.

Amanda, aiming at the claws, shot a large ice pick at its claws but she missed as another vulture attacked them and got hold of Starr who screamed in fear and pain as the other vulture tigthened its claws around her middle section.

"Damn it! They're too many!" Phoenix screamed.

Starr groaned in pain, she put her hands on the claws and summoned all the power she had into her hands and fired it directly at the vulture which screeched in such a loud noise, that Starr's ears began ringing. It let go off her and fell to the floor dead.

Starr fell to the ground fast screaming in fear, Derek saw this and immediately created winds under her that carried her to safety. She exhaled nervously, her heart pounding hundered miles a minute.

There were three left, and they had to defeat them fast or they would attack again and this time they won't be this lucky.

Starr ran to Amanda "Listen Amanda, shoot the ice pick at the one who's holding Axel. Derek, be ready to catch Axel when he falls and leave the rest to me." Starr told them, they looked at her confused but nodded.

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