Returning home?

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The giants began running after them, beginning to catch up on them. They threw the spears at them, but missed them, just barely.

A giant threw his hammer "Watch out!" Starr screamed, they split up and the hammer hit the middle of the ground breaking it open.

"The island is going to collapse." Derek said panting.

"We're almost at the lake, just a little more." Amanda said, she prepared her powers so they could cross the lake.

She began shooting ice, once again creating an ice bridge, they began walking on the ice, slowly, so they wouldn't fall.

"Be careful not to drop the book Phoenix." Axel imagined Phoenix dropping the book into the water.

"Of course I'm careful Axel, what do you think?" Phoenix hissed, just because he was the youngest, they had to treat him like a baby.

The felt the ice beginning to crack when the giants stepped on it and followed them. They walked faster than them and was catching up to them fast.

"We must run or they will catch us." Starr said while looking back at the giants.

Phoenix was the first to reach land, Starr was after him, next came Derek and Axel and last Amanda who immediately screamed "Phoenix, hurry and melt the bridge!"

Phoenix gave the book to Starr and immediately began shooting fire at the ice and melting it in a few seconds. The giants fell into the water, they began to sink fast into the water due to their sizes and weight.

Everyone celebrated when they didn't spot the giants anymore.

"We finally got rid of them!" Derek exclaimed, high fiving Phoenix.

"Let's go." Axel smiled, they walked back the way they came and now they were climbing up the mountain again. The book was stored safely in Axel's backpack.

They continued the way they came back until it became night once again, they were back to where the cave had been collapsed by Axel.

"We can rest here." Derek said and began unpacking things, like food and their sleeping bags.

A few hours later they were all asleep soundly when they were awoken from the ground shaking harshly.

"W-what's happening?" Amanda mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"Hide." Starr whispered and began crawling behind a stone, the others followed her until they were all hidden behind the stone.

What they saw made their blood run cold in their bodies.

The giants were back, not all of them, but more than thirty were walking slowly, looking for them.

"I thought they drowned." Derek whispered.

Amanda shook her head "Maybe they can swim?" she shrugged.

"We must get rid of them once and for all!" Axel spoke angrily.

"How?" Starr asked.

"The best way I can think of is -" Phoenix was speaking but got quiet when they saw a giant notice their sleeping bags "Shit." he mumbled.

"They're going to find us!" Starr whispered harshly.

"Shush!" Axel glared at her, she got quiet and looked at the ground ashamed.

Phoenix shook Axel shoulder "Axel you have to drop the rocks on them and crush them to mush." he whispered in his ear, Axel nodded, liking the idea.

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