Secret Location.

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This is where things begin to get exciting...

Amanda had just spoken to the spirit and it had told her to go to a place called El Paraíso. She had never heard of it before but if the spirit told her she had to go there, then that was her destination. She should ask a traveling agency to see how she could reach it in the fastest way possible.

The location you must go to is called El Paraíso and that is where you will find the special book and the other four of who you share your destiny with." that was all the spirit had said when it contacted her suddenly when she was brushing her teeth. She was staying with a nice old lady who was, unfortunately, a widow. She had seen her wandering around looking very confused and had offered her a room, for a small amount of money of course.

Starr agreed immediately.

She now had to find a way to locate that place, she had written down the name of the place on the back of her hand, so she wouldn't forget.

She saw a police station and walked inside. There were many people inside so Starr waited for her turn but this was nothing like in the U.S. Here, people just screamed and cut through the line to tell the police of their problems. She tried doing the same but was pushed easily out of the way by someone who called her "Immigrantes." which she figured out meant stupid immigrant or some other insult.

After a good while she got hold of a police woman who told her the best way to reach the location was by taxi but she had to be careful so she wouldn't be robbed or worse. She shivered at the last part.

She decided to take a taxi at her own risk, she went back to the old lady's house to get her bag.

The spirit had contacted him the next day that he had arrived and told him all the information he needed to know and now Phoenix was ready for action. He had waited long for this and somehow, he felt ready. He took his bag with all his stuff and waved for a taxi and now he was going to the location.

He was feeling slightly nervous – OK, very nervous, but he would do this no matter what. The fate of his world lied on his shoulders and he would protect it as well as he could.

The ride took about 2 hours due to the poor road conditions. When they had exited Lima, the roads had gotten much worse, and the taxi driver couldn't drive as fast as he could inside town.

When they finally reached the location, he payed the taxi driver and stepped out of the car and watched it drive away.

He looked around and noticed many archeologists being around here. Crawling on the floor with a magnifying glass trying to discover new things to explore. There had to be at least fifteen archeologists around here.

Phoenix waited a good thirty minutes and nothing happened, he looked around trying to locate the other four who should be here but no one was here but himself and the archeologists.

Suddenly he saw a cab driving in and someone, who didn't look peruvian, stepped out of the car. It was a girl who had blonde hair with pink dip dye and made twintails out of it and her eyes were bright blue. She was wearing a pink T-shirt and white shorts and lot of accessories. She looked at him briefly before turning away and looking at the temple and walking around.

Phoenix wondered, could that be one of the other four who would fight alongside him?

Starr arrived at the location and she immediately saw the large temple and knew she had, probably, found the right place.

There were many archeologists but there was one guy who stood out, he was standing alone and looked out of place.

He had very bright red hair that he had formed into a sort of mohawk and he had bright green eyes, she could see them from here. He was wearing the usual jeans with T-shirt, one could see that he was skinny and he was looking her way. Could it be-? Her thoughts were interrupted when another taxi came driving in and another guy walked out of the car.

He had dark blonde wavy hair and he wore glasses. He was shorter and weighed a little more than the other guy, at least that's what she saw from here. He was carrying a large bag and he looked at the two of them before looking at the ground.

Derek arrived at the temple and immediately saw two people who didn't look like your everyday peruvian people. They looked american and they were looking his way. There was a big possibility that they were the chosen ones also, he just had to wait and see.

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